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Bilişim Teknolojilerinde Avrupa'da İş Deneyimi
Start date: Dec 8, 2014, End date: Dec 7, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

All the activities to be carried out under the project will be organized together under the local partnership agreement of the project application, and will be applied for Ardahan-Göle Technical and Industrial Vocational High School, Bursa-Mustafa Kemal Pa?a Technical and Industrial Vocational High School and Kastamonu Commercial High School "Information Technology" students to perform their professional internship work in five different EU member countries. The use of computers, especially in the last decade of the twentieth century has increased at a tremendous pace. This rise is formed both by spreading around the world and diversifying the uses. The education we offer our students who are trained in the field unfortunately cannot catch up with the growth rate of the age. Although our schools show the required effort for our students to become fully-equipped individuals in their areas, the technological developments of the field in recent years have increased in a tremendously uncatchable rate. Project content is to provide the students with doing internship work abroad, in a short period though, related to their fields in businesses which offer further facilities than domestic schools and during this process, enabling them to gain the training experience which our schools cannot offer. While the project work plan which is prepared for this purpose and approved by our foreign partners is being determined, various achievement studies that our students may learn and practice in short periods are focused. It is also considered to show the required effort in order to enable the students get various achievements personally. Another goal of our project is to provide the students with AB level business experience. The number of the students to be determined as the project participants is 75. The partners of the project will be responsible for determining 25 students each. Each school will select twelve 12th-grade, ten 11th-grade and three 10th-grade students. The selection of the students will be performed by means of written professional exams. The following are the main activities to be carried out under the project, respectively, 1. Our first mobility under the project will be performed with the partnership of Pogány Frigyes Szakközépiskola Vocational High School in Budapest, capital of Hungary. Fifteen-student groups, accompanied by three instructors, will do the internship work in three-week period between11/01/2015 and 31/01/2015. 2. Our second mobility activity is a computer software company named Inforcavado located in city of Barcelos in Portugal. Our fifteen students will participate in the mobility in Portugal under the supervision of three companion instructors. It is agreed, through the correspondence with our foreign partner that the most appropriate period for the internship work of our students would be the three weeks between 08/02/2015 and 28/02/2015 3. Our third mobility will be performed with the partnership of ?WbI startup GmbH .garage Dortmund? in Dortmund, Germany with the participation of fifteen students and three companion instructors between 08/03/2015 and 28/03/2015. With the organization of our partner, our students will do internship work in the computer firms located in Dortmund. 4. Our fourth mobility will be held with the partnership of the vocational high school named SP?E (Stredni prumyslova skola elektrotechnicka) located in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Fifteen students and three companion instructors will participate in the mobility between 13/04/2015 and 03/05/2015. The project management will be made by the project management team that will be set up within the project owner school, Ardahan-Göle Technical and Industrial Vocational High School. Our local partners will provide our project management team with one member each. The members provided by our partners, as the project contact person of their schools, will also enable the execution of the steps in a healthy way. As a result of the project, our students will gain professional experience that is not possible for them to gain with our school facilities. Locally, doing their internship activities, our students, equipped with the qualifications to respond to technical staff necessity in the sector, will go into business. By taking their places in domestic businesses, they are considered to create a good impact on issues such as professional ethics, work discipline, etc. In addition to their professional knowledge, personally, as those who had been to Europe, they will become individuals who are more sensitive and selective on issues such as Europe, Europeanness a
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7 Partners Participants