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Bilingual education: a step ahead
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project we are proposing "Bilingual Education: a step ahead" is based on bilingual education and CLIL methodology. Implementing these two ideas into the project and school everyday work we are planning to help our teachers and students improve their key competences, language skills and motivate them for further development of international relations by means of EU projects like Erasmus+ and/or eTwinning. Knowing that the idea of CLIL is quite unknown to wider publicity our actions will also aim at promoting this methodology among other educators, students and their parents in our countries and beyond them. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), in which pupils learn a subject through the medium of a foreign language, has a major contribution to make to the Union's language learning goals. It can provide effective opportunities for pupils to use their new language skills now, rather than learn them now for use later. It opens doors on languages for a broader range of learners, nurturing self-confidence in young learners and those who have not responded well to formal language instruction in general education. It provides exposure to the language without requiring extra time in the curriculum. Most of the participating institutions have carried out projects that were international, linguistic and/or student-oriented. The natural consequence seems to be the need of doing something more sophisticated, scientific, innovative and developing teachers' professional profile. We have decided to contentrate on CLIL because of its universal values. The most significant innovation in the project is that is does not intend to offer short-cuts to CLIL methodology in schools. We do not want to simply implement CLIL into our curricula but to go a step ahead, sharing good practices with other educators. Multidisciplinary approach of our actions would focus on: 1. Bilingual education and CLIL in teaching 2. ICT 3. Strengthening cooperation between organisations acting for educational areas and the exchange of good practices The partners have been chosen from other former projects such as Comenius or e-Twinning. They have shown active involvement in the other projects, responsibility, social and cultural competence, cooperation, cross-cultural communication, adaptability, technical skills. Altogether there are 14 partner organisations from Romania, Greece, Turkey and Poland. There are preschools, primary schools, NGOs, parents' associations, language centres and a museum. There are also numerous associated partners: cultural and educational centres and universities. Lots of people offered theri help and support as the topic is innovative and promising. Hard Results: - 60 teachers from 14 institutions from 4 European countries included into the project; - 250 parents participating actively in the project activities; - 500 pupils/children engaged into bilingual education; - 5 theme sets (PE, Arts and Crafts, Science, Music, Maths) within which numerous material will be created: lesson plans, hand-outs, worksheets, educational resources; - 2 DVDs with films and instructions to illustrate the content included into lesson plans; - workshops for teachers and parents - in a form of open classes and/or training sessions - 4/a project/a school - systematic bilingual classes for children - educational classes including the contents of the theme sets previously mentioned; - regular bilingual classes in cultural centres (partners and associated partners) - theatres, science centres, art galleries, museums, sports centres - 4/a project/a school Soft Results: - teaching skills in terms of organisation of classes promoting bilingual teaching (new forms, methods and techniques); - teaching skills in terms of creation of educational resources used for bilingual teaching; - promoting the idea of bilingual education among teachers and other educators; - ICT abilities used in educational process; - ability of using good practices of other partners in implementing bilingual education; - effective use of English for communication within the project and its activities; - motivation for setting up further international cooperation and relations - teachers; - awareness of importance of language acquisition - parents, teachers;
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13 Partners Participants