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Bildung von interkulturellen Kompetenzen und Projektmanagementerfahrungen zur Internationalisierung der BBS-Ahrweiler. Die BBS-Ahrweiler macht sich auf den Weg zur Europa-Schule.
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Background:The project aims to take shape primarily an international orientation of the vocational school of the district of Ahrweiler. In a globalized world and in particular in free movement Europe such positioning school is essential. In particular, the change in the regional labor markets towards a European labor market is responsible for ensuring that change the requirements of a modern school. The focus of our vocational school should be that the students are prepared for Europe and the European labor market.To achieve all this, it is imperative that the intercultural skills and project management skills of the teachers are significantly improved. Especially the intercultural skills of the teaching staff are decisive that a school is positioning itself as a Europe open school.A useful tool for the promotion of intercultural skills and project management skills are international training in this area. In such events, teachers from different countries and cultures meet. An intensive one-week training session also enables that next time the seminar also extra-curricular hours can be used for international exchanges.At the same time get our teachers through the European training the opportunity to intensively meet potential project partners to plan with them after school exchanges, e-twinning or job shadowing.Project objectives : The focus is on improving the intercultural skills and project management skills of teachers of the vocational school of the district of Ahrweiler. In this context, to the very important activities include getting to know and use the methods and means that are introduced in the different countries of the participants.While international exchanges there are, for example, provided activities that allow to identify the ways of education in certain professions and the acquisition of vocational skills. Important factors in the implementation of the project are joint workshops for students, studies using the same tools, short job-related stays in selected companies, as well as the elaboration of the materials by experts from both sides for use in schools.Specific objectives in the aftermath of the training were:- Job experiences of colleagues in schools in other program countries- job shadowing of headmasters and heads of department- Promoting European awareness among participating and presently not participating teachers- Establishment of new crosslinks with European schools- Exchanges of teachers, students, apprentices, trainees- Dissemination of knowledge and joint projects of eTwinning- Improving the chances of adolescents in the European labor market- Improve the chances of disadvantaged groups on the European labor marketNumber and profile of participants:The two participating teachers must be willing to undergo training abroad. There is of course necessary that the appropriate language skills are present. Since the event takes place in Portugal, a teacher with Portuguese as their mother tongue will be a subscriber. Participating teachers must also be ready to spread the European idea in the entire college and the student body. Therefore it is necessary that they are open to integrate the idea of Europe in their teaching praxis.Description of measures: Participation in intercultural project management training coursesMethodology for project implementation:The aim of our school is the institutionalization of European projects. This is done through the participation of two teachers at the training in their role as multipliers. The gained intercultural competences are to be implemented in the classroom and on the project management skills of teachers European projects should be institutionalized.Description of expected results and impact and potential long-term benefits:The training will enable both participating teachers, even more motivating our teaching staff for European projects. The experiences from the seminars will reinforce the enthusiasm for intercultural learning and intercultural cooperation. This integration of European projects will be made more effective. The project work is to be used as a means of expanding the intercultural, language and social skills of the students and is transported by the two participants in the College. By expanding these skills our students will be better prepared in the future to meet the needs of the European and international labor market.
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