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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Biblio-Tic project will be carried out between IES Joaquín Artiles from Agüimes (Gran Canaria) that will act as coordinator, and the Athénée Royal Nestor Outer, from Virton (Bélgium). Both schools have been working together for some years in the search of new uses of the school library and in activities of promotion of reading. IES Joaquín Artiles has taken part previously in several projects focused on this matter (Comenius and ARCE) and the Athénée Royal Nestor Outer is carrying out an interesting experience related to encouraging to reading and the varied use of the school library. It is worth emphasizing that, although it includes activities between the departments of French and Spanish languages aimed to the improvement of the competence in these languages, it is really a school project, since the main topic is directed to all departments. On the other hand, the project is directed to all students in both schools. The big aims of the project are: - The conversion of the school library in a revitalizing space of the educational, cultural and social life of the school. - The promotion of investigation, documentation and any other activity related to the competence “Learning to learn” and to the development of the autonomy of the pupil in his process of formation. - The promotion of reading and creative writing. - The use of ICT (New Technologies) in the processes of creation, investigation and communication. - To open for the students ways of contact with other European countries, and therefore with other cultures. - To promote the use of foreign languages. - To promote the participation of the families in the school life. - To provide our schools with documents agreed by the teachers that regulate and promote the new uses of the school library, especially in the field of school investigation, documentation, access to information and cultural dynamization. - To provide the project with a European added value in the sense of promoting the conscience of belonging to the European Community and the identity that it involves. In order to achieve these aims, different activities, (of which we mention the most important), will be carried out: -Drafting and approval at each school of a School Plan for the use of the school library; This Plan must be agreed by consensus and implemented by all departments, including activities of documentation and research integrated in the school curriculum. -Clubs to carry out common activities between both schools: reading, cinema and audiovisual production. -Opening of lines of communication between students of the mentioned schools for the activities of the project: Facebook group, blog, moodle platform. -Creation and educational activities related to ICT: interactive book, digital comics, videos, TV programs, serious games, literary contests, elaboration of logo and poster... -Dissemination activities: preparation of TV and radio programs by students, interviews, reports, dissemination of results through a network of European schools. -Programme of cultural activities to be developed in the school library with the participation of parents, pupils and teachers -Foreign languages competence improvement activities: communication among students, shared activities in class, serious games linked to a topic... -Preparation of a Handbook of good practices -Training courses. -Activities linked to campaigns: logo, posters and campaigns of promotion of reading... - Activities aimed at strengthening the European identity. To develop the project, we will design a methodology that has: -Collegiate purpose: teams will be formed to face the challenges of the project. Those teams and not only one person will be responsible for the work: coordination team, evaluation team, and technician team. -Collaborative character: both schools will collaborate in the development of the project, assuming specific obligations but working in common. -Participatory nature: stimulate the participation of all educational departments, students and families. Strategies and ways of participation to make it effective will be designed. -Character of consensus: the actions related to the school curriculum will be agreed by consensus with the departments. We believe that the impact on workplaces will be important and long-lasting. It is important because it will make the school library an educational, cultural and participative resource, extracting from it its enormous and numerous potentialities. Long-lasting, because the project will serve to set up a dynamic that will continue to grow with the time, well beyond the funding period . All this will bring huge benefits for the school and the school community, making it more participatory and thus contributing to its cohesion.
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