European Projects
Beyond the impossible
Beyond the impossible
Start date: Jan 4, 2016,
End date: Jul 3, 2016
*Beyond the impossible* is a training course that will be held from 28.03.2015 to 04.04.2015, 21 participants from 7 countries will get the chance to improve their facilitating skills and gain new and innovative ones. The target group are young people 18-30 years old with a strong motivation to organise some activity but lacking basic knowledge. The idea of this project appeared discussions between partners, that a lot of active youngsters are in need of being empowered in order to organise or lead any kind of project. The main objective is to help young people to develop practical soft skills, to improve self-confidence and self-esteem, which will enable the participants to completely plan, run, and evaluate local, national and international projects.During 8 days participants will understand what facilitation is, they will learn to design and develop workshops in order to meet the desired outcome, they will get to know facilitation techniques and methods, understand group interaction and dynamics, as well as learn how to deal with dominant participants, how to handle non-motivated participants and many more. Every day activities will be based on non-formal and informal methods, including different workshops on facilitation skills, simulations exercises, group work, intercultural activities, round-table discussions, all stimulating active participation, creativity and self-confidence. This training course will be a small step to improve the quality of facilitation across Europe, as well as create new projects on similar topic, but in other countries. All the partner organizations will be included in each of the phases of the project, so they will develop their organizational and coordination skills, increase their capacity level to create and lead different educational activities. When the groups will be back home they will enlarge the idea of self-developement through non-formal education among the other young people. The Facilitation Kit will be prepared with active cooperation between all participants and partners, that will be shared on different youth platforms and online resource centers. We believe that this might help youth workers to develop professionally, learn and get practical skills, how to facilitate activities.