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Better Knowledge- Better Employment
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There are 3 directions/occupations included into the project: computer technicians, hairdressers, and machine technicians. Each of the groups has "specific problems": computer technicians have problems with practical education in the companies, the students don't learn as much as they should, though it is very important for them to be up-to-date, since technology evolves fast. The hairdressers are facing a different problem: practical education at our school. Ovecrowded school salons, lack of models forcing them to practice on family members or each other, lack of communication with "real" customers, no independence.. What is even more, to be competitive at the labour market, one needs additional knowledge. For the machine technicians the problem is in practical education at school: the CNC machines we have are not the latest model you can see in modern companies, the students do not learn many CNC programming languages and we do not have a modern tool measurement laser system. The main goals of the project are improving the students' skills in practical education (in their own field and to also get additional knowledge), to improve their knowledge of foreign languages, to improve their level of ICT knowledge, for them to learn how to function independently and also as a part of an international team, and nevertheless to become more open to other cultures and various work possibilities. We would also like to take is project as an opportunity for our staff to improve their professional skills, knowledge of English language and to add into the curriculum of practical education (for hairdressers, computer technicians and machine technicians) new topics that will make our students more competitive at the labour market. The core of the project consists of 4 mobilities to 2 countries, to Malta and Belgium in 2 years. The project involves all together 40 students, 10 students for each round of mobility. Also at each mobility 2 accompanying persons will be present (the Project Manager of the school and the teacher of practical education regarding the students' professional field) all the time of the students' stay abroad. Students included into the project come from 3 different directions: 10 computer technicians, 10 hairdressers (computer technicians and hairdressers are going to Malta, one year computer technicians and the following year the hairdressers) and 20 machine technicians (every year 10 students) are going to Belgium. The project has 4 repetitive phases/cycles. First the participants will be picked, then preparations will start for the 10 computer technicians and everything will be prepared for their stay on Malta (November 2015, duration 4 weeks, work in companies). After their stay abroad the students and the accompanying persons will present their knowledge to their classmates/colleagues, the students will fill out a poll and final report, the project team will have a meeting on how the project's goals/objectives were met and there will be meetings regarding the change of curriculum. The students will get their Europass Mobility certificates and ECVET certificate. Then the 2nd stage of the project will begin in January 2016 for the 10 machine technicians going to Belgium (March 2016, 2 weeks, combined practical education at school and at a company), the same procedure as for the computer technicians. In September 2016 the 3rd stage will start for the 10 hairdressers going to Malta (November 2016, 4 weeks, salons). The last mobility will take place in April/May 2017 10 machine technicians are going to Belgium (2 weeks, combined practical education at school and at a company). The expected results are broadened knowledge of the students in the field of practical education and other fields, improvement of the students' language skills, improvement of the students' individual and team-work, and discovered ideas/options for different ways of work and possible ideas to work abroad . Personally the students will become more independent, more self-confident, open to other environments and cultures, disciplined, hard-working..., which will make them more competitive at the labor market. Staff will improve their professional skills, language skills and a change of the curriculum for practical education in the 3 directions in the project will be carried out. The project will have long term benefits for the students because they will be more competitive at the labor market and they will be more successful in life, they will discover new work possibilities. Our school will benefit, because the participants will have new knowledge and pass their knowledge and experience on to other students/work colleagues, so work at school will get easier and better done, the changed curriculum will enable future generations to be more competitive at the labour market, more students will enroll , future project mobilities will get improved and with the partners more future cooperations are possible.
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