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Betriebspraktika in Granada für kaufmännische Assistentinnen
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Internships in Granada for Commercial Assistants" aims at facilitating temporary internships for certain students of our full-time vocational school for foreign language secretaries.We are trying to encourage and provide for students without a proper financial background to experience internships in Spain, widening their horizon and improving skills.We are applying for funding for two years. With your permission we would be able to facilitate...- a one-month internship for 8 students- a six-months long internship for 6 studentsat different authorities and companies in Granada, Spain.The students will be selected along their grades and personal suitability by a team of teachers.Second-year students shall be designated one-month internships while graduates would be offered a six-months internship.The process of monitoring could be realized by the colleagues of our partner school “Fray Luis de Granada“. Antonio Arredondo is available as a local contact person. Moreover, Alicia Torres and Christina Engelbrecht are constantly in contact with the students and institutions.The interns are obliged to attend a preparatory course four weeks in advance of their departure, confronting them with intercultural differences. As a part of this preparation, a list of personal aims and expectations will be compiled to be evaluated critically subsequent to their return in a contemplation course.Planned activities for all interns include:- practical training period (6 hours daily, including Saturdays)- attendance at a Spanish language course- optional attendance at the partner school (opening hours 09.00-22.00) and participation in classes (EDP, business studies, accounting, law)- participation in cultural activities organized by colleagues of the partner school (visit of the Alhambra, Albaycín, Sacromonte etc.)Aims of the project:- improving intercultural competence- improving professional skills- improving language skills in reception (understanding/reading), production (writing), interaction (communication) and mediation (translation including English)- extended knowledge about the foreign culture- acquiring self confidence and hence planning further activities abroadThe evaluation of the project will be ensured by the following measures:- 4h contemplation course on reflection of the experiences abroad, feedback and reports- final report handed out by the authorities and companies of the internship- conversations with the colleagues of our partner school with respective protocolsThe gained experience could be implemented in the improvement of future planning, execution and evaluation of practical trainings abroad. Furthermore, results are presented at meetings of our „Europaschule Supervisory Board“ taking place twice a year.
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