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Best Practice in Managing Regional Managements (MAREMA)
Start date: Mar 31, 2003, End date: Jun 29, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The operation "MAREMA: Best Practice in Managing Regional Management" aims to identify good practices in the governance of regional development with the final objective of improving regional organisational structures and processes. In this context, the project focuses on the special needs of three types of regions: 1. Cross-border regions; 2. Regions with dominant restrictions, e.g. large protected areas; and 3. Regions with the need to build or rebuild Regional Management-structures. The overall objective of the operation is to build new or improve existing Regional Management (RM) structures and to develop best practice for 3 types of regions in and outside the EU. Improvements will focus on organisational and thematic issues, as well as on the contribution of RM to sustainable regional development, especially in regions with large protected areas such as NATURA 2000 sites or national parks. More specifically, the project plans to: 1. find a common understanding of strengths and weaknesses of RM structures and define the state-of-the-art of RM in Europe; 2. develop options for RM organisation structures; 3. identify topics of interest that will be implemented by those structures in the future; 4. elaborate concepts for RM organisation structures, including the creation of development funds; 5. identify measures to strengthen the role of RM as a co-ordinator of sustainable regional development; 6. identify key actors and decision makers in regional management; 7. initiate the implementation of the new structures. The operation will result in an increased level of know-how of the partnership, as well as improved co-ordination between public and private actors in the partner regions. It will result in improved RM structures in the EU and the new Member States including stronger cross-border networks. As regards the project focus on protected areas, the project will result in a greater awareness of relevant actors and specific proposals on development options for protected areas.
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  • 45.5%   580 164,65
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC East
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants