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Berufserfahrung im Profilfach - innereuropäischer Vergleich
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are a vocational college and accordingly our curriculum stresses work-oriented knowledge and skills in theory as well as through work-placements for our students in the field of their major subjects. Due to our multicultural student body, an open-minded and respectful approach towards people from a different cultural background is another main emphasis in our school's profile. Therefore we plan to send 15 students at the age of 18 to 22 years to London for a three-week internship in enterprises and institutions of their major subject. In the following year this will be repeated with a second group of 15 students. These students come to our school to graduate as child care workers, child care assistants and business administration assistants. The intended effect if the project is to enable the participants to compare working conditions in England and Germany and to understand the interconnectedness of work-related issues and methods on the one hand and the way of life on the other hand in different European countries. Thus we hope to qualify our students to critically reflect their own way of working and the relevant cultural impact. At the same time the participants' social skills will be increased and their ability to organize themselves and adapt to an unfamiliar environment. Living and working in a foreign country will deepen their intercultural comprehension and competence, in addition their English language abilities are improved in general as well as in terms of professional language. To achieve these aims, a team of English teachers, teachers of the main subject and teachers offering work-oriented training and advice will provide the preparation of the participants. Part of this preparation is a specific language teaching that will help our students to communicate in situations typical of an internship. Additionally information will be given about cultural differences as well as work-related characteristics that may be expected in the foreign country. Our partner organization in London will find English guest families and matching companies/institutions. Furthermore they offer German-speaking mentors for our students and an emergency hotline. They offer a preparation course right after the participants' arrival as well as an evaluation at the end of their stay. Having returned, our students will write an internship report as well as a description of their time in England and present their experiences to other students and teachers. In this way, students and teachers who could not participate in the program can profit from the insights. The results will also be evaluated by those teachers who are concerned with work-oriented skills and training. They will use them to improve our current concept of preparing our students for the world of work. We hope that the visits abroad will increase mutual tolerance between all our students due to more intercultural acceptance and understanding. Our teachers will gain experience in planning and conducting projects in European countries and will better understand the effectiveness and positive outcome of such projects. Our school will strengthen the image of being internationally-oriented and of intensely preparing our students by helping them to increase their personal, social and professional skills.
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