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Berufliche, sprachliche und interkulturelle Kompetenzen durch Mobilität in der Erstausbildung
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Markets in the European Union have been growing together for many years. Frankfurt as centre of the Rhine – Main area is not only the place of the European Central Bank but also the residence of many international businesses. This development has been accompanied by the requirement of at least one spoken foreign language, mostly English as lingua franca. Most of the companies our trainees work for put a great attention on the trainees’ school marks which often are decisive for their employments. The level of their knowledge of English is a great part of it. Training companies are publishers, advertising and event companies, media and information services -especially at university libraries or similar organisations -, whoesale and foreign trade companies. They also put a great attention on imparting the core skills in the business and administration sector, as flexibility, social competence, the ability to work in a team and cross-cultural competences. Consequently, receiving and improving these required qualifications as well as raising awareness for the challenges and possibilities of the EU are the objectives of our project. Furthermore the students are supposed to enhance their ability of self-organisation. They are involved in finding a partner company, writing their applications and booking journey/flight and accomodation. The project coordinator and/or the partner companies will support them. The placements will mostly take place during the second year of vocational training. The students will then have gained work experience and they will have attended the language courses at Stauffenbergschule. This will help them to adapt to the new business and cultural environment with the partner companies. The periods of the placements will differ mostly between 2 and 6 weeks depending on the common agreement between student, employer and partner company. If possible, they will include the school holidays in order to prevent the students from missing too many lessons. The project coordinator will make sure that the objectives of the Erasmus + project mentioned above will always be contents of the contract between Stauffenbergschule, employer, student and receiving company and will monitor the observance of the contract. To reach a comparability of the received competences , they will be described by using ECVET.
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