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Berlinale Co-Production Market
Start date: Apr 12, 2014, End date: Apr 11, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Berlinale Co-Production Market is the Berlin International Film Festival’s service and networking platform for producers, financiers, broadcasters, distributors and sales agents working in international co-productions. It was created to meet their specific needs with a most effective and successful individual meeting coordination and an up-to-date producer-driven topical framework programme. It allows even those participants with a very tight festival schedule to discover the most promising pre-selected projects and companies, alternative financing opportunities and new trends, and to network internationally with other like-minded professionals.The 12th Berlinale Co-Production Market takes place from February 8-10, 2015, as part of the 65th Berlin International Film Festival. The three-day event welcomes approx. 500 industry professionals from all over the world. Some 35 feature film projects (selected from around 550 submissions) suitable for international co-production plus fiveadditionally selectedinternationally renowned production companies are presented in the spotlight. More than 1.200 half-hour one-on-one meetings are organised for them in advance. At the special event “Books at Berlinale”, 10 new novels suitable for screen adaptation are pitched to interested producers, and networking between producers, publishers and literary agents is encouraged. An additional framework programme with case studies, theme talks and countries-in-focus presentations offer most recent information on film financing and international production. Public fund meetings, speed matchings, lunches, cocktail receptions, a producers’ lounge etc. allow for further networking among the participants.As of 2015 there will be a new additional focus on networking and know-how with regard to co-producing TV series within which 5 selected TV series projects will be pitched to interested co-producers, broadcasters and other financiers.
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