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BERLIN. capital of cultural diversity
Start date: Jun 25, 2014, End date: Sep 25, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

24 young people (aged 16 to 30) and their mentors from Dortmund in Germany, Istanbul in Turkey and Heerlen in the Netherlands will meet for ten days in Berlin (15.10.14 - 25.10.14). The meeting will take place in a community centre belonging to a non-profit organisation on the outskirts of the city. The German, Dutch and Turkish young people will meet in a youth orientated setting (see They will live and learn together in one house under expert guidance and will actively take part in the creation and evaluation of the programme. Along with visits to the sights of Berlin and experience-based pedagogical exercises, there will be three different art and creative workshops that will allow the participants to implement their creative ideas. Through these shared artistic experiences, getting to learn about the culture of the three participating countries and selected cultural events, a greater understanding of different European cultures will be promoted and a European identity will be established. The project focuses on mobility and non-formal intercultural learning by young people with special educational needs, for example those with an immigrant background. Therefore, it will contribute to the community participation of disadvantaged young people. By taking part in the project the young people will be supported in overcoming the many barriers they face in finding employment. As all the participants are in the transition phase of starting their working life, the project will help them to develop skills and improve their chances of integrating into the world of work. Due to globalisation within Europe and its influences in the lives of the participants, many new possibilities have emerged as well as new anxieties and prejudices. During the project the young people will be encouraged to take part in other programmes such as the European Voluntary Service. This will help them overcome the anxiety of leaving home town, which is often especially disadvantaged, and become active within Europe.
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