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BeLux YOUth
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "BeLux Youth” was realized in Hrodna, Belarus during 12 months from March 2015 till February 2016. The Belarusian organisation hosted one volunteer from Luxembourg. There were several main activities carried out by the volunteer: • Journalistic and Media Activities (writing for the regional youth web portal “Your style”; maintaining a personal blog with photos and articles about the volunteer's impressions of Belarus; organising workshops on photography and media competences for local youth) • University of Golden Age (assisting in the program “University of Golden Age” (GAU), courses for intellectual, social and physical activation of older people – holding French language club and assisting at German classes for older people, taking photos and videos from the GAU events); • Presentations (presenting EVS and “Erasmus +” programme opportunities during informal meetings with local youth); • Intercultural Activities (organising informal cultural evenings about Luxembourg for local people; leading French and German “language tables” at Tandem Evenings - language exchange events). The main objectives of this project were European awareness, fostering youth participation, increasing intercultural dialogue, increasing intergenerational understanding. The project gave the participant and local young people in Hrodna an opportunity to develop international communication skills and sense of tolerance, learn more about each other's culture and traditions. Besides, the project helped to decrease the generation gap between the young and older people. Also the project was the beginning of a long-term cooperation between Belarusian and Luxembourgish organisations.

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