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Behind the Iron Curtain on the Stage of The world

The sixties of the 20th century are often considered as an extraordinary political, social and cultural phenomenon, the evidence of which can be found in adjectives like sweet, swinging as well as golden, foolish. We wanted to know in which way this era of "the last belief in progress" remains in memory of "common" witnesses of the time of so-called Iron Curtain. These ideas gave rise to the project. Participating countries gave the reflection of both "western", democratic Europe and "eastern", totalitarian. Do the memories have any meeting points or are they only passing by each other? European students were looking for the answer talking to personal observers, searching in archives, libraries, films, daily press etc. and they consulted the results of their work with the others. A collection of documents came to existence and they enable to answer our primal question in a better way-comparative study "Life at the end of the 60s in memories (…)", collection of analyses of daily press from 23rd of May 1967 "That Day", studying contemporary journalism and its propagandistic face, collection of contemporary photographs gained from family photo albums "International gallery (…)" (there is a supplement of photographs from "National family photo albums"), collection "The Best of" represents a selection of contemporary pop music hits.This everything would not be complete without national studies "Historical and social situation in our countries at the end of the 60s".One can find all of this at (results of the project as well as the whole creative process - those interested find here everything from the application form, photo documentation up to responses to the project in mass media). There is also DVD mapping the project off-line, printed booklet "Behind the Iron Curtain on the Stage of the World" and students documentary "Behind the Fallen Curtain" about this two-year-long international co-operation.

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