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Be the key actor in your life. Empowerment through conflict management and theatre
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Be the key actor in your life. Empowerment through conflict management and theatre” is a youth workers mobility project. It engages 20 participants from four different countries: Ireland, Czeck Republic, Ukrain and Italy. All the participants have collaborated or have done voluntry work with their sending organisation in the past. The aim of the project is to promote an open and multicultural citizenship based on the respect for the different identities and cultures coexisting in Europe. Main goals: - to reflect on the self and collective identity building, exploring issues such as steriotype, prejudice and discrimination. - to improve the youth workers’ skills in positive conflict transformation and conflict management. - to develop artistic, creative and theatre skills as empowerment tools. - to set up a forum theatre performance as a discussion and debate tool useful in conflict situations. - to build up an international network among the four partner organisations, useful for the youth workers experience sharing. In order to achieve these goals we are organising an eight-day training course in Casaltone, a small town in Parma (Italy). The four partner organisations have choosen the nonviolent education and the Theatre od the Oppress (TO) methods. Both go further the traditional education system based on an uniderctional knowledge communication. TO and nonviolent education look for the sharing of common knowledge based on the daily life experiences. The tow methos give priority to the discussion, to the learning process ant to the creativity as powerful change tools. We expect this training course to be a useful oportunity for the participants, wich could make use of the new skills not only in the context of their sending organisations but also in a working enviroment. In order to respect the participants needs and expectations we are planning to have different evaluation moments, wich will redifine the activity programme if necessary. After the training course we plan to carry out the following activities: - Theatre and non formal education workshops on the conflict management and multicultural fields. The target of these workshops are the youngsters gruops from the local enviroment of each organisation. - Training activities on the project topics and metholodogy. The target of these activities are new volunteers, other youth workers, unemployed youngsters... -Information activities on the Erasmus + programma, so people from different social, economic and educational background can access to the opportunities of this programme. Europe is in a continious transformation, there are always more people from different cultures, countries, religions... The youngsters can be the change to a more open and wellcoming society and we want to walk this path with them, this project is a good starting point.
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3 Partners Participants