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Be Influential
Start date: Feb 28, 2015, End date: Jan 27, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/Background Youth participation is one of the main focuses of the EU youth strategy. In order to engage with the European project, young people need more opportunities and channels to voice their interests and views. Having run projects over a similar nature over recent years we are aware of the ongoing needs of the young people including the real need to assist young people in becoming more included in the democratic process through a structured dialogue. Our Desire to support young people to have their voice heard in matters of local, European and global significance, and that this voice is heard by local Youth policy makers, MPs, MEP and Youth Organisations, so that not only are youths encouraged to participate, but their voice is communicates with people that matter and in a meaningful way . The aim of the project is to implement structural dialogue by bringing together young people aged 16-30 and political representatives from regional authorities. The objectives * To empower of young people to take responsibility for sharing in decision-making * Sharing experiences of Structured Dialogue among young people from different countries of EU * To offer an opportunity for debate about the youth unemployment challenge, through exchange of best practices. * To generate new and innovative solutions, potential interventions and recommendations to be addressed to the local, national and European level. * To set up of a structured and efficient dialogue between youth and the decision makers in charge for youth policies. * To building of a permanent partnership between each partner involved in the project, able to share methodologies and good practices in the field of non formal education; * To contribute to the policy reform of institutions to improve the governance and to offer a better service to the needs of European citizen. Profile of Participant Majority of young people have limited social skills or anti-social or risky sexual behaviours, young people in a precarious situation, (ex )offenders, (ex )drug or alcohol abusers, young and/or single parents, orphans, young people from broken families. Many of the young people are often isolated in the community, have low confidence and self esteem and often not confident enough to participate with mainstream society. young immigrants or refugees or descendants from immigrant or refugee families, young people belonging to a national or ethnic minority, young people with linguistic adaptation and cultural inclusion problems, etc. In addition, much of the young population of lack a stable home life and there is a dearth of positive role models or positive influences in their lives. Many of the young people are often isolated in the community, have low confidence and self esteem and often not confident enough to participate with mainstream society. Activities The project will deliver a series of seminars and conferences and will be structured in three parts 1)First Part Local Level A seven Seminars of meetings between 70 young people from participating countries, plus one decision maker, and one representative of a youth work agency will be held. 2)Second Part – Trans-national meeting: week conference in the country of the promoter of the project. to analyze and discuss the results of the discussions of the first part, with a comparison of the methods and the comparison of the statistic data collected. The discussions will be lead by the structured dialogue method, with decision makers and representatives of youth work agencies. At the end of week long meeting, the project aims to produce concrete plan of action produce joint recommendations Third Part - The building of the web platform of good practices: Build a web platform in which each partner will share results, reports of the experience, good practices and all the video and photographic material realized during the entire course of the project. Impact envisaged Young people to learn about the people, processes, and the institutions most effective in improving community conditions, such as there own struggle with unemployment. Young people will develop skills necessary to participate in policy making and grass roots youth delivery service. The project will ensure young people can foster attitudes about the value of lifelong service for the common good of the wider European society we live in. Project will act as a stepping stone to participation in both tangible and virtual societies and encourage citizenship and solidarity with youth networks. Discussion of youth global issues including education. Non formal learning and association with mainstream actors such as MPs, Youth Services and Youth groups will build trust with these groups and facilitate academic discussion
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