Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Cultural Association Il Dialogo promotes a Youth Exchange in the field of KA1 - Partner Countries titled “BE INCLUSIVE: FACE THE CONFLICTS”. The project will be held in Venetico (Italy) from 30th September to 06th October 2016 and it will involve 30 young people and 6 Group Leaders, from 6 Partner Countries, from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Russian Federation, Moldova and Azerbaijan.The topic of the project is the promotion of the awareness and analysis of some of the most important historical and social dynamics in recent European history: conflicts and peace processes that have marked the social, economic, cultural life of our continent, with the aim to know among younger the long road for arriving to peace in Europe, with the consequent enlargement process, through the role played by the EU, since its establishment until today, for the promotion democracy and security in the continent. Europe is very frequently being described as an area of stability and prosperity, but nevertheless within Europe there are many different conflicts which bring questions for the future of our continent. Since the fall of communism in Europe in 1989, Europe has faced many brutal conflicts caused by religious, ethnic or political reasons. Conflicts, clashes, fights and misunderstandings influence young people all around Europe. Youth work in conflict areas became an urgent issue. The main aim of the project is to get to know deeply other cultures and customs as well as breaking stereotypes by experiencing the cultures of the other participants. By reaching the main aim we would like to achieve that the participants understand the mentality, habits and reactions of the other nationalities, their values, core concepts, principles, positive and negative sides of other’s society in order to create an inclusive society. The methods used will be non-formal: learning by thinking and by doing and through a methodology of non formal education all the activities will be based on an intercultural learning process supported by an informal learning that stimulates creativity and expressivity, and the working methodology will be highly participated. The participants will be involved in all the phases of project. The program will be rich of different activities: presentations proposed by each country, international nights, Energizer, moments of debate and discussion, workshops conducted with interactive method, daily evaluation in order to obtain feedback and reflections, icebreaker, Cooperation Games, Open Space Tecnology, Role Playng, Seminar, Comparison, Brainstorming, Creative Laboratory, exchanges of good practices, working Group, Networking and Planning for the future.

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5 Partners Participants