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Be employable
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth unemployment is one of the most critical challenges the world is facing today: young people make up almost half of the world’s unemployed, despite accounting for only one quarter of the working population. In Poland in the last few years around one million youths migrated abroad to work there and about 30% of young people is out of work. Portugal Youth Unemployment Rate is at 33.30% and it's growing rapidly, in Croatia and Turkey it's about 40 % . These sad statistics were the starting point of this project. Through the project and its activities young people become more employable because: 1. they learnt about European labour market, its possibilities, 2. they investigated grounds of youth unemployment and its reasons, 3. they learnt about volunteering and intership and their visibilty, about learning new skills skills and abilities through them as well as getting valuable experience, 4. they learnt and practised skills and competences which make them competitive while looking for a job - for example IT tools, self presentations skills, writing CV and covering letter... And all these skills, knowledge, competences mentioned are vital in finding employment. These aims became a reason for contacting the project partners and a concern for us, our partners and finally for all youth in the process of shaping out the project. Thus, youth unemployment aroused as one of the themes of the project. We realised one of the ways to solve this problem is to raise qualified young people and to enhance the employment opportunities. We formed a draft of our project as a result of brainstorming and discussions with our partners and prepared an activity programme. As we elaborated on our needs and project goals, we formed a project team composed of 32 people who have restricted opportunities due to social, economical and geographical factors. We prepared an activity period of 7 days which has both formal and non-formal learning techniques for these 32 people whose ages vary from 17 to 19 and who came from 4 different countries, including the leaders. The main goals of the project "Be employable" were: 1. Increasing the knowledge of the young people involved regarding the oportunities, rights and liabilites they could benefit from as European citizens. 2. Developing an analysis on the employability of young people in their own countries. 3. Developing behaviours and attitudes regarding opportunities such as volunteering, internships and non-formal education to increase the professional experience of the youngsters. 4. Identifying and developing mechanisms that would help the young people to create an online profile using 2.0. web technologies. 5. Creating and improving competences that would increase their employability, while also familiarizing them with the relevant online media platforms. Following the report "Developing the creative and innovative potential of young people through non-formal learning in ways that are relevant to employability" by European Comission Youth we aimed to develop different types of competencies, crucial to be employable, in terms of attitudes, skills and knowledge. We intended and managed: - to introduce new attitudes by changing old or unproductive ways of thinking, by creating inspiring atmospheres to motivate young people, helping them to open up and change their point of view, to anticipate what it would be like to ‘step into’ an employee’s shoes, or to begin to think in a more entrepreneurial way. We used simulations, roleplays, games, and workshops to achieve these aims. - to develop employability skills by practicing different behaviours, for example with respect to communication styles, which is useful in a job-interview, or developing Information Technology competences, which is helpful, for example, for job-seeking on the internet. These involved trainings, workshops. - to make students gain knowlegde by providing information, advice and instruction, such as how to write a CV. It was done in workshops, roundtables and seminars, leaflets and brochures. The project facilities lasted 6 months and aimed to gain the young people new skills through formal education and increase the awareness in accordance with the project goals through varied non-formal methods. The project not only aimed to increase the skills and knowledge of the participants but also aspired to enhance the awareness of attitudes such as solidarity, self confidence and toleration. Additionally, the participants had a chance to open their own culture to other people and thus promote intercultural dialogue. At the end of the project, we laid the foundations of an online and digital social entrepreneurship associated with the project themes. In this project we improved the level of key competences and skills, with particular regard to their relevance for the labour market and their contribution to a cohesive society, in particular through increased opportunities for learning mobility.

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