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Baltic Urban Sustainable Transport Implementation and Planning (BUSTRIP)
Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The core objective of the project was to develop solutions for the decoupling of economic and transport growth in 12 Baltic Sea Region cities and their functional urban areas, and to make these solutions available to other cities in BSR and Europe through a transferable tool. The project has focused on strengthening the medium-sized and secondary cities, to enable the cities to become engines for the development of their regions and the BSR. The project has contributed to improving the state of the urban environment, and reducing urban sprawl, traffic and pollution. This has been achieved through improved transport and spatial planning. The Commission Communication on the Thematic Urban Strategy for the Urban Environment identifies the preparation of Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP) as important cornerstones in decoupling economic growth and transport growth in cities. Such plans help the cities to meet the requirements of the EU Directives on air quality and noise assessment and management, and also contribute to meeting the Kyoto agreement targets. The project aimed at: (1) developing and implementing Peer Review method in the process of SUTP development, (2) developing SUTPs and implementing pilot actions in 12 BSR cities, and (3) improving BSR cities’ capacity base and promoting transnational co-operation on sustainable urban transport planning and implementation. The development of the plans and methods has been supported by cross-sectoral implementation task forces, including transport, environmental and spatial planners, in all participating cities. The developed SUTP model and SUTP Peer Review method have been compiled into a transferable tool (guidebook and web site that can also be ordered as a CD) that will be effectively disseminated. Achievements: The BUSTRIP project developed a benchmark for Sustainable Urban Transport and compared the cities performances towards this benchmark through Peer Reviews. The Self-Assessment report and the Peer Review findings formed the basis for each city’s Sustainable Urban Transport Plan developed during the project. Each city also implemented a pilot action to start up the implementation of the plan. Apart from 12 Sustainable Urban Transport Plans and 12 pilot actions conducted, a guidebook for guiding other cities through the process of making an SUTP was produced and published in all project languages. It is available at The web site will be continuously updated by the lead partner and the SUTP in the cities are implemented and the pilot actions are evaluated (as part of the project) and upscaled if found suitable (after the project duration). One important outcome is the capacity built and the political support established in the cities for implementing Sustainable Urban Transport in the cities. The cities have also taken on a method for integrated planning that they will upscale to other areas of planning.

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  • 55.4%   1 731 871,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

16 Partners Participants