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Background to British Business
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/Background:The business sector that drives Germany’s economy is the export sector. The Fachakademie in Nuremberg has been founded to provide this sector with skilled employees. The state certified business managers that graduate at the FAW have excellent communication skills regarding language and intercultural understanding, which they acquire by participating in the above mentioned project. Most of the participants in the project will enhance their careers by working abroad inside Europe as well as overseas. Target group: 22 persons who have successfully completed an apprenticeship in the business sector and are currently in further education as state-certified business managersDuration: 3 weeks Objectives:After graduating the participants mainly pick jobs in an international environment (in Europe and outside Europe), so they have a strong interest in foreign cultures and a willingness to accept cultural differences and adhere to them. So the main aims are - to mprove language skills and intercultural competence and - to increase self-confidence in liaising with foreign business partners (clients and suppliers).Both lead to better employment opportunities.Activities:- Business Communications/ Negotiating Skills, Telephoning, Communication at Work, Leadership and Management: --> gaining more self-confidence in dealing with business partners by actively using training methods- Business Communications/ Writing CVs and Letters of Application, Interview Techniques /Social Media: -->gaining knowledge about international requirements regarding applications, importance of networking - Business Case Studies/ Differences / Corporate Culture --> introduction into operating processes in other countriesBritain in the EU/British Politics/Law/ Marketing/Media. --> increasing intercultural awareness and tolerance Tasks:Written examPowerPoint Presentation about a business topicExecutive summary Validation:- ECBM Certificate of Attendance - German-British Chamber Certificate - Kaufmann/Kauffrau International Qualification - EuropassMethodology:The contents has been developed over the years from experience of the partners and from feedback of the participants. Every year the time table is reviewed and partly altered according to current requirements and also current global developments (e.g. financial crisis)Preparation and evaluation:There are five preparation sessions, in which the participants are informed and learn about the following topics:1. Contract agreements etc. Erasmus+2. Preparation Pack of ECBM, validity of certificates, travel arrangements etc.,3. Preparation of project work, project choice, London as cultural location 4. Presentation techniques, layout and structure of executive summary,5, Final organisation (emergency contact details) outlook , dates and deadlines (feedback etc.), current affairs6. Evaluation (Feedback, questionnaires, discussions etc.)Results/Outcomes:- better employment chances on the international market (increasingly important)- valid certificates increase competitiveness of participants on the labour market- higher recognition by big companies/ global players who are located in the area- increased motivation to achieve higher qualification and degrees (Bachelor and Master degrees). Increasingly important as transparency and comparability of degrees has been entered into a European framework .- higher flexibility and mobility- better negotiating skills in dealing with international business partners- improved organizational and IT skills - high competence in English as the globalised world’s business language The results of the past years show increased self-confidence regarding personal as well as business skills. Increasingly participants apply for jobs abroad and also take up further qualification opportunities that are offered by the ECBM. All this qualifies them further on the European market and enhances their general understanding of the necessity to think globally. The success of the German economy and the people who are employed depends on Europe. The power lies in the community. However this requires a strong determination, tolerance and also the necessary competence. The project contributes essentially to strengthening those skills.

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