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Babylon4: Von Wegen
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The multilateral youth exchange "Babylon4: About paths" is asking by theatre methods how young people from different European countries can find and make their life. The participants are 16 to 25 years old. The theatre work focuses their wishes, hopes, fears but also social challenges and contradictions. All these aspects have an influence on life paths of young people and can also be motor or barrier to movement. Young people do not just go their way, they also go away. Sometimes only for a limited period, sometimes due to discover new long term perspectives. They go away; to vocational training, to study, to work. And they leave their normal living environment, go into a strange environment with many new ways and possibilities. These ambiguities of being in movement is in the center of the project. The aim is to recognize barriers and to discover alternative ways for going on. The interesting thing according life paths are the construction sites, the aberrations, the crossings, the impasses and the encounters. Theatre offers countless opportunities to meet the challenges and chances and to experiment with these things. How can young people find their way without fall by the wayside? What unimagined possibilities open up when they go astray?Beyond borders and at the same time within certain experiential spaces. In an unknown future. They should grow in walking together, with each other, for each other. There are often only the many ways that people go and that makes a life story to what it is, because only where paths, movement can take place. 40 young people from Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Germany meet for 8 days to exchange views on ways of life. The program (attached) consists of different workshop offerings, regular feedback and evaluation rounds, theatre in public space, attending a lecture performance about "Life paths”, a final public performance with discussion, recreational breaks etc.The involved young people partly come from contexts that are associated with fewer opportunities for education and social participation. It applies to the project to develop innovative access and to increase the participation of disadvantaged young people. Conceptual approaches for an appropriate response from young people for the integration of disadvantaged young people, for the promotion and active appreciation of diversity are to be addressed in the project.At the end of the exchange is a joint theater performance, which will be presented to a public audience and discussed with it. The young people involved in the project experience on a personal level, inter alia, an increase in self-confidence, a strengthening in terms of their social, aesthetic and communicative skills, strengthen their critical reflection ability and the experience of a stimulating learning environment, whose formative center they are themselves. In essence, the youth exchange promotes intercultural dialogue, the participation in democratic life in Europe and the solidarity of young people who are all involved with different backgrounds and experiences in the project. The meeting provides an appropriate framework with an international dimension, to develop social skills and abilities of young people and is an offer supporting and promoting the learning mobility and European values.

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