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Azubi-Austausch Dresden-Prag / Einsatz alternativer Energieträger im ÖPNV
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background: The process of European integration brings in its wake cross-border economic areas of a new structure which is also expected for the German/Czech border region. These economic areas will be producing traffic flows that also need to be served by short-distance public transport companies. The developing inner-European market provides an opportunity for the public transport companies to focus their strategy on business in Europe. Cross-border transport is a major objective in this respect. In addition to that the markets in the border region under review will be seeing a change in transport services due to the demographic development on the one hand and a lack of skilled labour on the other. To make sure that these new requirements are met, it is necessary to provide for well-trained and qualified staff. Project objectives: This project is to develop European standards of vocational training in different occupations. The qualification acquired by the project is to enable trainees to pursue a career in a country other than that of training. By the partnership of the above mentioned institutions the theoretical basis of the relevant occupation requiring formal training (in CZ = training courses) is to be developed. In this way the relevant needs can be defined in a practice-oriented manner. Number and profile of participants: We will be delegating 40 participants for exchange (20 persons in 2015 and 20 persons in 2016). The participants will be 2nd year trainees as Skilled Transport Employee and thus have comprehensive knowledge. There will be no special selection because the training visit has already been laid down in the contract of apprenticeship and thus constitutes an integral part of vocational training for this target group. Exceptions will be personal, health or family matters rendering a longer stay in Prague impossible or would be irresponsible. The training of a Skilled Transport Employee focuses in particular on: commercial and technical issues, the driving of vehicles, customer service and scheduling of vehicle operation, timetables and vehicle usage. Description of activities: 1. Getting to know the Czech training institution 2. Occupational health and safety; occupational safety and youth protection; industrial safety and accident prevention regulations; 3. Drawing up fire regulations 4. Drafting environmental guidelines incl. the statutory basis 5. Knowing and properly using information and communication systems 6. Getting acquainted with the cooperation partner’s quality management system and comparing it with that of the own company. 7. Transport carriers and means of short-distance public and drawing up and comparing relevant framework conditions 8. Getting to know the cooperation partner’s public transport provider 9. Dealing with marketing, sales and fares under consideration of all relevant framework conditions. Content of internship: 1. Getting to know the planning and scheduling of vehicle operation under consideration of all relevant framework conditions. 2. Planning the operational readiness of vehicles and facilities under practical conditions. 3. Working at customer service centre to learn about the customers‘ needs for information and provide information to customers. Procedure of project implementation: The project shall be implemented as part of the vocational training as Skilled Transport Employee. Preparation will begin upon commencement of training and be carried on in the 2nd year of training. All parties involved will be incorporated. The partner institutions will be holding regular workshops to define the content of the exchange and the objectives to be achieved and create the relevant framework conditions. The follow-up will be by checking the success attained and analysis. Description of intended results and effects and the expected long-term benefit: The intended results include the raising of the project participants’ level of education and a closer cooperation with foreign companies providing training on transnational level. The stay abroad will help the trainees to deal with a foreign culture, analyze the impressions gained and thus give new impetus to the company concerned. The stay abroad is to encourage people to work in another country. And what is more, uniform quality standards are to be developed by making the sequences of vocational training more transparent so that the qualifications become comparable and can be recognized throughout Europe.
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