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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

7 teachers from N.Serap Ulusoy VTAHS (Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School), 4 from Pendik Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa VTAHS and 4 from Mehmet Necati Vidinli VTAHS will be at Nova College institution in Haarlem, Netherlands between the dates of 28.01.2017 - 12.02.2017 in order for “stemming” training. Within the scope of the project, teachers from our school and consortium members will have training for 2 weeks in Haarlem, Netherlands on the subject of stemming in shipbuilding. There are 2 shipbuilding methods as masonry and block in vessel construction. In the event that shipyard do not have adequate crane and pool capacity, the masonry method has to be followed. This method had to be followed in the preceding years in our country. This method caused ship to be built in long term. After cranes and block transporting vehicles became prevalent in our country, the second method have started to be followed. However, adaptation problems occurred in this transition period. Thanks to that the block method was first emerged in Europe, most of the resources are written in foreign languages, thus, the required education cannot be provided due to slow translating of these resources into Turkish and language incompetency of teachers, for this reason, so many problems are encountered in the course of shipbuilding. During shipbuilding, a minor mistake could give rise to irreparable materially and spiritually problems. For instance, blocks whose construction finished on the Jig machine are transferred to slipway to be put together by welding. This transferring process is carried out by high tonnage cranes. Even a mistake for 1 second may lead to shutdown of shipyard. Being an active sector as of the 16th century, the shipping industry in the Netherlands will be seen and integrated to our country in order to help resolution of these problems. The most important part in this construction stage, stemming will be learned. In the stemming stage which is element of head form, shelling comes to an end. There has to be no mistake in the process till stemming. Besides, participants will have to learn how to make and maintain chain bin. Maintaining chain bins has too much importance. In the event that it is not finely piled up during letting go the anchor, ship might not be able perform mooring process in addition to damaging chain due to it may come knotty from the chain bin. After comeback, participants will transfer what they learned to their students about significant points in order not to encounter with these kind of problems. Our school and partners graduate approximately 400 students in total annually. Graduated with the informations conveyed by the participants in consequence of the project, they will provide for more regular operation in ship-building yards. Additionally, participants will improve their professional language skills, thus, they will be able to understand the technical books in the future.The education system in our country will be developed by providing generalization activities and the project effect for spreading larger fields. Proficiency obtained by participants in the field of foreign language by means of this project, professional development and awareness of cultural differences will trigger more developments. As a result, raising ever-growing and developing personnel and more qualified individuals in every sense will make community development possible first in or province and then in our country. Finally, because that such abilities as project execution, planning, budget keeping, monitoring and evaluation of institutions improve, they will set an example for next generations with their wish towards learning and improvement and efforts made thanks to the future projects.
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1 Partners Participants