European Projects
Avrupa'da Denetimli Serbestlik Kapsamında Bulunan ..
Avrupa'da Denetimli Serbestlik Kapsamında Bulunan Eski Hükümlülerin Mesleki Eğitim, Topluma Uyum Ve Rehabilitasyonuna Yönelik Hizmet Modülleri
Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Jun 30, 2015
The convicts who get out of prisons isolate from the society can’ t find jobs, don’ t have disparity and finally they are alleniated from the society. This results convict individuals to have both moral and financial problems, they feel a worthless person of society. Because of the fact that they do not have any job, they do not have any apportunity to have sufficent and regular income, these problems brings people criminal bahaviors.
The people who are not professionals and who have problems in finding jobs, need occupational retraining so that it can be posssible for them to enter in economical, social and culturel life and to meet wellfare standarts.
One of the occupational retraing for adults in the World is to give them occupational skills and help them find jobs in a short time. According to S. Bushway’ s study called “Employed Dimensions of Reentry: Understanding the Nexus between Prisoners Reentry and Work” the people who do not take these occupational retraining prpgramme have 20 % more risk for going back to prisons than who take these occupational retrainings.
Because of this needs, the purpose of this Project:
To enhance and educate individuals who have got out of prison and who are exposed to discrimination and are not employed due to negative prejudice folowed by being labelled, via occupational retraining courses. To increase their knowledge and occupational experiences with the goal of increasing their occupational potential. Our particpants will have opportunity to observe the occupational retraining modules, the organizing the occupational retraining programmes for adults, the using tecnology in occupational retraining, international standarts and performance in productions and services, the occupational retraining counselling, the role and the duty of Non-Govermental Organizations in occupational retraining, and the collobaration with the others organizations.
Our participants are trainers who take active roles in the contex of adults’ occupational retraining activities, their rehabilitation and adjustment to society. The trainers consist of individuals having sufficient level of knowledge and experience in their field, recieved high school- under graduate (for two or four years)- masters and doctorate degrees and having no difficulties in travelling.
Our participants by getting aducation from experienced occupational organizations in Europe, they enhance their visions, they will get knowledge about occupational retraining module for adults and they will enhance their knowledge and experiences in this issue. Besides having language courses they will become able to use foreign language casually, having experiences in different cultures so they will demolish their prejudice and they will have tolerance to different people.
With the help of mobility, employement of disadvantaged groups will be supported, therefore they will be given a second chance by helping them to find a job and hold on to life and by preventing them criminal behaviour again due to facing risk of unemployment.
After these studies it is adjusted the human resources sufficiently by winning labour for market needs and it will concluded the occupational retraining moduls in adult trainings in our country.
With our project not only personal needs of the people who reveal from prison will have responded but also the labour market needs will have met in short time..
In long term erconomical spending of the Nation and social costs will be decrease by employing disadvantaged groups and preventing them to back in prison. Our nations’ compentence power in international markets will increase. With the result of dissemination activities, it will be provided that everyone benefits from occupationals experiences.
The Ankara Prohibition Service which work for 8 years in Ankara-Turkey have not entered any Erasmus Projects. If the projects approved, we can adjust our accupational retraining programme for he adults in European Union standarts. With the Project we aim at enhancing the education quality for our next occupational retraining programme.
For the remove these needs and reach the purpose of the Project, the mobility activities will be realized from 26 October to 1 December 2014 with 24 participants in Poland and Sweeden.