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Avenir Professionnel facilité par un Erasmus+
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is part of vocational education to improve the training of our vocational baccalaureate students. We have specifically chosen two classes with different trades: Hospitality and Catering, and Retail, in view to allow such ones to better their professional integration or to facilitate the continuation of their education.We have chosen to focus on the English and Spanish languages in the European Section classes.These languages are indeed the most spoken in the business world and they are, therefore, an important means of communication especially in European companies. They are used today in virtually all professional sectors, particularly in those that we have selected: Hospitality and Catering, and Retail.Mobility project provide an immersion in both host countries, namely the United Kingdom and Spain.The Mobility concerns 31 young people with learning difficulties but who are very motivated to participate in this scheme because it is an opportunity for them to "pull through" as they themselves explain it.In order to meet the baccalaureate referential for each vocational sector, the Retail students will complete a four week training period in retail and those of Hospitality / Catering will complete eight weeks training in the front or the back of a restaurant. The mobility period will therefore include an immersion in a professional environment, but also cultural tours and an immersion with a host family.The Mobility is part of the three years school and professional curriculum of the young person.This joint project ensures fairness and cohesion among students of two different vocations and who, despite having chosen different curriculums, will live a similar experience.We have implemented a project methodology with the creation of a Steering Committee whose role is to stimulate, develop and create management and evaluation tools, to select the relevant classes and students who will carry out the mobility. This Steering Committee will also be meeting regularly to anticipate the field problems, to meet with partners, to organise logistics, and to disseminate the actions on the students’ return.The expected results are on two levels :For the students:• The discovery of diversity,• The development of cultural openness in a professional environment,• To improve the language skills in a professional setting,For the vocational school:• To promote a new method of learning for students in a difficult schooling situation and who often are from low socioeconomic background, which will help prevent school dropout.• To establish a true internal synergy amplified by the organisation of Mobility projects.• To create a project dynamic within the teams.• To innovate on curricula and teaching methods to increase the employability of our students.Another element worth underlining is the solid network of professional partners abroad who welcome our students in their hotel or retail establishments, and which continues to grow.Our concern is to maintain European cohesion through a deep conviction that successful integration of young people must now go through mobility projects in Europe.Regarding long-term potential benefits, we will highlight a better adaptability to the changing business environment, and an openness to the world from a learner’s personal perspective.

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