European Projects
AVANZADILLA TUMBA BARRERAS. Juventud más allá del ..
AVANZADILLA TUMBA BARRERAS. Juventud más allá del sufrimiento mental.
Start date: Aug 20, 2016,
End date: Jan 19, 2017
The "AVANZADILLA TUMBA BARRERAS. Juventud más allá del sufrimiento mental” project (KNOCK DOWN BARRIERS ADVANCE. Youth beyond mental suffering) aims to set up a space for youth participation, especially for young people with fewer opportunities arising from a psychiatric diagnosis or different mental suffering experiences. This space of participation will be done through a process of structured dialogue, resulted in ten meetings. Three of them will be attended by representatives of decision-making, and one will be a training-meeting dialogue with "experts by experience". These "experts by experience" are people from all associative movements similar to Hierbabuena, who will share their experiences and knowledge with the spanish youth group. Meetings will be always based on the horizontal participation and the goals and interests of the youth group itself.The configuration of the youth group and the empowerment of it will be a key element to effective participation in the structured dialogue. For this there will be a facilitators team which will support the process and will give the necessary tools to the group.This process, in addition to seeking youth participation and proposals at political level will be continuous learning, in which different skills and knowledge, as well as analysis and reflection of the acquisition and assimilation of these skills and knowledge will work. It is about learning, and learning to learn. In this sense, at the end of the process the participants will receive the Youthpass Certificate, a recognized official document at European level.This structured dialogue project aims the analysis by the youth of reality in relation to psychosocial disability and the proposition of ideas to those responsible for decision-making. Concrete agreements will be sought and seek to make the relationship continued through digital communication pathways that young people consider most appropriate.In addition, within the framework of this project a video will be made to document the process and visualize the results, seeking the greatest social diffusion of the barriers identified and of the proposals by youth for removing them, promoting the outcomes of all the processes as well.“Knock down barriers”. This is it, for that we work, that’s why we present this project of "advance". To alleviate (and eliminate as soon as possible) barriers that accentuate the emotional, intellectual and social suffering, often extreme, that so many people are living in the world, since one in four people, according to WHO, will suffer throughout his life a process of mental suffering diagnosable by psychiatry.”Youth advance” because only them can have today cleaner, less polluted, enough outside from disturbances and perversities arising from the absurdity that our civilization lies in us not to see itself proper look. They are, young people, from idealism or from the realism that has not yet suffered pollution fatalism and resignation, who can from the proper disposition to rethink, or perhaps better refeel, from the outset what is mental suffering, why happens, what happens to those who suffer and must keep going after it, or still with it; think and feel in and with the people who live it, who experience daily in their brains and their bodies, in their minds, in their souls and their whole beings.“Advance beyond the mental suffering” to stop thinking and feel the extraordinary experiences from ill points of view, which cancel participation, violate rights and limit full life. Advance to the transformation that is about to arrive and we will achieve together, not based on the faults, mistakes and ignorance of the past but on hope, horizons that are there to discover and explore once we catch run knocking down the barriers our society has raised to avoid looking into the eyes of those who suffer.It is about “Knocking down barriers”, or circumvent them, or make them transparent to look beyond and understand where we are going, where we could go, where we want to go. And go.