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Auszubildende und Bildungspersonal verschiedener Fachrichtungen des Elisabeth-Lüders-Berufskollegs entwickeln interkulturelle Kompetenzen in Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project integrates mobility of learners and mobility of teachers in the area of vocational education. Individuals from the following training programs are involved: State-recognized educator (Fachschule Sozialpädagogik) State-recognized child care assistant (Berufsfachschule für Kinderpfleger und Kinderpflegerinnen) State-recognized social assistant (Berufsfachschule für Sozialhelfer und Sozialhelferinnen) School for service personnel (cooking/housekeeping) (Berufsfachschule für Hauswirtschaft/Servicekräfte) Secondary School with a vocational focus on (1) pedagogy/education and (2) health (Berufliches Gymnasium, Erziehung und Soziales sowie Gesundheit) I. Project background and project goals: 1. Internship during the vocational training: All of the internships form an integral component of the vocational training courses and aim at transfer and implementation of theoretical classroom room knowledge (in)to vocational practice. The focus lies on the acquisition of vocational knowledge and skills / competences to allow for self-dependent work in a professional setting. This is to coincide with the acquisition of personal competence, i.e. social competence and professional autonomy and independence. The concepts correspond with the DQR, the German adaptation of the EQF. 2. Intercultural communicative competence is required to act appropriately in intercultural exchanges and settings. We see it as our goal and obligation to teach the competences necessary for successful intercultural communication. In their respective professional environments, intercultural exchanges play an increasingly significant role for our graduates and teachers. The professional environments are characterized by people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, with different religions and languages. Migration within Europe, the growing together within Europe, globalization and internationalization have led to constant changes within professional vocations as well as the emergence of new professions. We consider direct interaction with people from different cultures in their home environment to be the most enriching and promising opportunity to acquire intercultural communicative competence. 3. At the same time it is imperative to prepare our students for a life in a democratic Europe. The EU mobility program and the recognition of professional qualifications allows our graduates to work in different countries. This holds also true for our teachers. II. Project realization, number and profile of participants 48 students (4 or 8 weeks, respectively) and 10 teachers (1 or 2 weeks, respectively) will participate in the project span of two years. The internships are integral parts of the training programs; the students receive the opportunity to fulfill their internships in an EU country. Students of the training programs “State-recognized educator” and “State-recognized child care assistant” work in a child care institution in Findikzade/Istanbul and gain insight into early childhood education in Turkey. A second group of four students (“State-recognized educator”) does their internship in a child-care institution in Paris. It is noteworthy and advantageous for our students that the institution works bilingually. The students of the “School for service personnel” receive training in Vienna in a Café/franchise restaurant. The largest group consisting of 12 students works in the English city of Bradford in child-care institutions and schools and institutions for people with special needs. III. Expectations Against the background of the professional and vocational globalization and a European Union that is growing together further and further, we expect our students to acquire useful intercultural communicative skills and competences as well as specific knowledge concerning their vocational field in different countries and general knowledge of professional mobility and travel in the EU. In addition, through self-reliant activity we expect the development of resilience, self-dependence and responsibility.

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