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Ausweitung interkultureller Vorhaben bei gleichzeitiger Berücksichtigung des inklusiven Gedankens durch Stärkung der internationalen Projektmanagementkompetenzen.
Start date: Jun 26, 2014, End date: Jun 25, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Wilhelm-Remy-Gymnasium in Bendorf has been maintaining school partnerships with schools in France, Hungary and Poland for many years. The exchanges take place annually. Various teachers of our school have had the opportunity to gain experience with public institutions (e.g. educational authorities, DPJW, DFJW) and private foundations (e.g. the Robert-Bosch-Stiftung) in order to realize the organization and financing of student meetings and exchange programmes. In addition, European projects on up-to-date topics relevant for pupils have been realized in subjects like social studies, history, and in the foreign languages, i.e. English and French. This is why a great interest for intercultural projects can be attested to our school community. However, these projects have rarely had the premise to combine the different subjects; moreover, they have not been based on parameters of eventually existing perspectives or task schedules of our school, which would be concentrating on Europe and intercultural topics. Furthermore, the European and intercultural projects at our school were planned, realized and evaluated by teachers without any special qualification. It is therefore only through great individual commitment that uncertainty and knowledge gaps about various aspects could be compensated. This is where our interest in participating in this project is coming from: on the one hand, our pupils’ and colleagues’ interest remains unbroken, on the other hand, there is a strong divergence between colleagues having some experience and knowledge and those lacking such – these are exactly the demands we want to meet. To sum it up briefly, the major aims and main activities are to enable, in a first step, interested teachers of our school to participate in further training in order to gain knowledge on managing intercultural projects, and to collect new ideas about the methods, organization and prospects of European projects for schools and beyond. Moreover, contacts should be established to European partners in order to expand our supraregional network. In a further step, these teachers, as Erasmus+-experts, will inform their colleagues at school about the experience they will have made: This is how a concentration on a broad and subject-combining dealing with European topics can be granted for the everyday life of our pupils. Our colleagues as well as our pupils will be able to refine important competences like foreign languages, tolerance, openness, the ability to work in a team or project management: this is a fortiori valid for our school, as we concentrate on the integration of physically handicapped children and adolescents. The teachers participating in the programme will furthermore contribute to implement the intercultural and European ideas in the work schedules of the departments of our school, in the school programme and in the overall concept of the Wilhelm-Remy-Gymnasium. Bringing all fields of our school life on a European scale will help to prepare our pupils, i.e. to give them experience and special skills for their further instruction at school or their professional and/ or academical education. Our project is being initiated by mainly three colleagues engaged in that field (e.g. scholar exchange programmes, European projects, foreign language study groups) or planning to be engaged in it in future. It was important for us to choose colleagues belonging to different departments (French, Latin, Italian, biology, cath. religious education as participants, sports, natural sciences) to guarantee a vast distribution of information later. Furthermore, they are members of different working groups and can enrich the prospect and development of our school through their experience and knowledge in different fields. The project offers a large variety of skill enhancement in the range of methods (e.g. role playing, discussions, group talks) and contents (e.g. planning, realizing and evaluating international projects), which allows them to train their own competences which are important to institutionalize these topics, and at the same time, they are being motivated to serve as multipliers beyond school life. We are very proud of the results we achieved during our Erasmus+ project. We became one of the first "Europaschulen" in Rheinland-Pfalz. Our school as a whole has a better understandig of how to implement the intercultural and European ideas into our work. Our colleagues as well as our pupils are now able to refine important competences like foreign languages, tolerance, openness, the ability to work in a team or project management. A good example is the project "Schule gegen Rassismus - Schule mit Courage" which was initiated by our students.
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