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Auslandspraktika für Jugendliche in der beruflichen Erstausbildung
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project concerned is aimed at two target groups which have a common project background: improving personal competences and removing mobility obstacles. The primary project goals are therefore:- Improving vocational competences- Promoting intercultural competences- Improving foreign-language competences and- Encouraging general mobility.The two target groups can be described as follows:Group A:15 trainees in their first dual vocational training as “management assistants in wholesale and foreign trade“, as “management assistants in the manufacturing industry“, as "office management assistants" or as "legal and notarial management assistants". They are students of the part-time Vocational School in the first and second year of their three-year courses. The overwhelming majority of the participants have either the University of Applied Sciences Entrance Qualification or even the University Entrance Qualification.Groups B:16 students of the last year (grade 12) of the Vocational College (Commercial College), speciality Foreign Languages – European Course and 21 students of grade 11 of the Vocational College (Commercial College), speciality Foreign-Language Correspondent. For both groups doing a period of work experience abroad is an integral part of their courses.The parties taking part within the framework of this placing project are Friedrich-List-Berufskolleg, Hamm (D), Hull College, Hull (UK), Srednja Skola, Biograd na Moru (HR), Alparslan Ticaret Meslek Lisesi, Istanbul (TU), ADC College, London (UK), ISNA, Metz (FR), Lycée St. Exupéry, St. Dizier (FR) and Tropical Coast Languages, Almunecar (ES). This project is focussed on providing foreign work placements for youths in their first vocational training. One objective of this partnership is meeting the demand for well-qualified young people expressed by companies located in Hamm and the surrounding area. These companies require young employees who have vocational as well as foreign-language competences. Very often companies criticize the school education of youths and their lack of job mobility, which is nseparably linked to personal mobility. Qualifying youths for a European labour market is also one of the general goals of Erasmus+, especially now that the German employment agencies also offer to provide jobs EU-wide. In this connection it is a crucial task to enable young people in the best possible way to meet the requirements they are challenged by in order to improve their employment chances. For the dual trainees of group A providing work placements abroad will contribute to the goal of the German Federal Government of enabling 10% of all vocational trainees to do part of their first vocational training in a foreign country. A work placement abroad will sustainably promote the achievement of the required qualifications.Especially the young people’s foreign-language competence will be substantially improved, but they will also acquire new skills within the framework of their first vocational training, which particularly applies to the trainees of group A. They will also gain more knowledge in the field of new information and communication technologies and gather new experiences about economic structures and socio-cultural conditions of the foreign country. The work placements will be done in selected companies of the regions East Riding and North Lincolnshire as well as Outer London (UK), Lorraine (F), Dalmatia (HR), Istanbul (TU) and Andalusia (ES).
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8 Partners Participants