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Auslandserfahrung von Auszubildenden im Rahmen eines Betriebspraktikum in England
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One aim of a future oriented vocational education is to consider the needs of the world of work. Therefore the Wilhelm-Schickard-Schule Tübingen supports their apprentices by providing attractive educational opportunities to aquire profond English language skills and high quality learning outcomes in order to achieve succesful educational qualifications. Taking part in work experience programme in England makes the interns aware of cultural differences and common European values. The experiences of an internship abroad motivates the students to lifelong learning and being an active part of society and work life. Within the two flows 10 interns are taking part in a three week work experience programme each time. The project takes place in coordination with the apprenticing companies each in November 2013 and 2014. The students are educated in the dual system in a commercial vocational training. The students either take on additional lessons two times a week in the evenings in order to aquire a higher national educational qualification or work for a company with international business relations. The use of English beyond the lessons is essential for the target group. They use the language in their further education and in work life. The students already have a good command of English language skills in order to meet the requirements for an internship in an English campany. They have the chance to further develop their language skills through practical application. With the help of our project partner ADC college the students take part in a one-week course that prepares them to the specific situations and cultural features in the English professional life. During the subsequent two-week work placement the students learn about processes in an English company and deal with simple activities . The reflection of the gained experiences in a project diary allows a comparison of the operational processes and the characteristics of collegial cooperation of the foreign company with the training company . The Participants will acquire skills that can be transfered to future professional situations. The acquired skills increase the willingness , courage and qualification to work in a business with international operations. This experiences will prepare them for the changing demands of a European labor market in terms of flexibility , mobility and intercultural competence. The focus is on the idea of a united Europe without borders . The Wilhelm-Schickard-Schule supports the needs of regional cooperation partners with institutionalized programs for the acquisition of English language skills . The focus on the needs of the trainees and the requests of the apprenticing companies is a key success factor of a future oriented vocational education at the Wilhelm-Schickard-Schule Tübingen.
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