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Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Sep 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Through this project, we want to promote the awareness of the students of different European educational institutes, their families and the whole of the school community towards the need to become more familiar with the river or the stream of their area, in order to understand the issues related to the use of water and change their attitude as far as the consumption of water is concerned. That’s why we will carry out various activities in each partnercountry. The students will cooperate closely and will keep in constant touch through a blog which will be enriched regularly. This work will be divided into two parts: a technical, technological and practical part on the one hand and a more theoretical and creative component on the other. All the activities will be carried out in collaboration with local partners whoseparticipation and skills in various areas are related to our thematic units. To be more specific our activities will result in : - construction of 7 miniature boats equiped to do research on the river - study of the riversides and the ecological system of the stream/river -creation of a pack of playing cards having for subject the river and its environment - study of narratives about the river - creation and managing of a collaboratif weblog, creation of a publicity, a song that contains parts in each one of the national languages - creation of a photo album with images of the relief, the flora and the fauna caracteristique for each river, creation of a fictif business related to the river - analysis of greco-roman remains near to the river - realisation of an exposition : reminescence and creation of a catalogue of bridges - creation of a booklet with literary texts existing within the culture of each of the partner countries or created by the students - statistic analysis of variables of a bidimensionnel river - photo album with explanation about manufactural activities Our aim is to share experiences, learn from each other and therefore to make European citizens ecologically responsible and focused on theprotection of their environment.We hope we will be able to exchange different practical approaches concerningteaching and we will understand the educational diversity of the other countries. This project will promote a stronger European collaboration by reinforcing the bonds among the students, the teachers and the families of the partner countries. It will allow the creation of collaboration for future projects. The dissemination of this European experience will inspire more students to develop other projects or/and to open up their horizons. It will promote the awareness of people to be members of a community with a common aim and special features as well. This project will have an impact on the school communities by its interdisciplinary approach, it will have an impact on a local level by changing the way the students and the inhabitants look at their river and their culture and by initiating good practices on a environmental level.
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6 Partners Participants