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artnership Centre for Clusters and Enterprises (PACCLE)
Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Oct 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the Partnership Centre established in the course of the project is to create and operate a professional training centre for the small- and medium-sized enterprises of the Serbian and Hungarian regions concerned, which can contribute to a dynamic increase of the entrepreneurs in the regions concerned and of common developments. The role of the centre aimed at the Trainings and partner finding facilitation for businesses priority is to enhance common production, sales, the access to common services, and the creation and maintenance of business networks and clusters generating common developments and investments.The target group of the project consists of the operating export-oriented clusters of Csongrád County and Bács-Kiskun County; North Bačka, South Bačka, West Bačka, North Banat and Central Banat, and those enterprises that Endeavour to establish partnerships with operators of the same sector.The services and trainings to be established in the Partnership Centre are supported by market researches conducted in the Hungarian and Serbian regions concerned, which are focused on the frequency and contents of cooperation between enterprises, and the development procedure of the operating clusters and the cross-border cooperation potentials between them. It is also assessed that the access to which services contribute to the increase of business cooperation activity. The services of the Centre are established in accordance with the results of the market research, professional publications related to professional services are prepared, summarizing relevant ideas. The Centre provides continuous counseling and regular training services for entrepreneurs; besides the basic business development services, it provides counseling about the operation of clusters and the enhancement of common projects. A further aim is to transfer Hungarian experience related to the aid schemes of clusters to the operators responsible for Serbian developments. Study visits organized for the Serbian clusters provide an opportunity to assess the projects. Achievements: 2 workshops were organized in Szeged (on 12.09. "Renewable energies" and on 03.10."Water management"), 3 trainings were organized in Subotica(07.10. "Cluster management";10.10."Project cycle management"; 21.10. "Cluster management and Intellectual property rights"),2 study trips were organized in Hungary for experience exchange(30.09. Kerekegyhaza;17.10.Sandrofalva); Trainings for clusters and enterprises were held on topics basedon the market researches in Hungary and Serbia, and the joint study defined the areas of interests of future trainings.
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  • 85%   133 195,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants