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Artisti pe piata muncii
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Artists on the Labour Market", whose beneficiary is the College of Arts "Ciprian Porumbescu" Suceava is a mobility project addressed to students in their initial training; it aims at completing a professional traineeship in partnership with institutions / companies in the European music industry, whose training content and objectives, specific to musical disciplines, will be represented in a new opportunity to promote adaptability , flexibility and competitiveness in the initial professional training of the arts school graduates, by “making more pragmatic“ the specialized high school training in relation to the future labor market, modern, flexible and inclusive, in an area where specialized training provided by the school is reduced essentially to the area of "incubator" offered by practice rooms, school concert halls and the few cultural partner institutions. The placement meets the specific needs of artistic vocational training: practical activities in specialized cultural institutions, collaborating with musicians and artists specialized in performance and musical creation, developing the creative and innovative spirit, the exchange of views and information transfer among music specialists, therefore creating direct links to the European labour market. By this placement within the framework of the host Spanish organizations, students will be able to see how it works practically and operationally within the European cultural institutions; students will also: develop their capacity to design and implement a project; work cooperatively and flexibly; develop their sense of initiative and ability to respond positively to the notion of change; improve the ability to identify weaknesses and strengths; assess and take risks in different situations, thus gaining knowledge of entrepreneurship. Objectives: O1 Developing the professional skills of young musicians by learning innovative methods in arts and artistic performance, so as to better adapt to current needs and integrate more easily on the labour market; O2 Acquiring knowledge and practical skills required in the process of designing and promoting cultural events; O3 Fostering cooperation and cultural exchanges between Romania and Spain. The target group consists of 24 students of the College of Arts "Ciprian Porumbescu" Suceava, 11th and 12th grade students, artistic vocational profile, music specialization. High school graduates receive a Certificate of Professional Competence, which gives them the qualifications of choir or instrumental performers; thus, they can work in cultural institutions or form their own bands. In agreement with the host partner – the Municipal Orchestra Granada – there has been established the length of training for 2 weeks, 60 hours (6 hours x 10 days) in order to give participants the opportunity to go through some content (almost 1/2) and to achieve the competence stipulated in the differentiated curriculum for upper secondary education, the vocational branch, artistic profile, music specialization, approved by Annex 3 to Ministry Order no. 5718/22.12.2005; according to it, the Orchestral or Instrumental Ensemble discipline is allocated for all the departments of the music specialization (instrumental, theoretical, vocal, folk), 3 hours a week (35x3=105 hours) and the theme of the traineeship complements and fathoms it. In this way there has been ensured the integration of the traineeship within the training program of the students and the school is able to recognize the traineeship in ECEVET terms. The content which will be addressed during the traineeship were established within the specialty committee and then discussed with the intermediary partner Europroject Granada. Between the intermediate skills and the content set to be completed by the traineeship there is a two-way relationship; the skills led to the content which has been agreed upon with the host partners and completing them will ensure the acquisition by students of the general and specific skills listed in the curriculum for the school subject "Choir / Orchestral / Instrumental Ensemble" approved by the Ministry Order no. 5913/12.11.2009. They will be assessed, recognized, validated and transferred by the sending and host organizations based on agreements established by: - Memorandum of Understanding - Agreement of Traineeship - Europass Certificate The expected results are: 1. Gathering knowledge, training skills, abilities in the use and integration of specialized training in computerized programs: Cubase, Finale, Sibelius; 2. Gathering knowledge, skills and competencies in the organization and management of music events; 3. Improving communication skills; 4. Knowing the identity of a new European cultural space.
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