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Art Fusion
Start date: Dec 15, 2010,

Art Fusion project will bring together organisations and young people from African and Europeancontinent. The aim of this project is to engage 'participants from different cultural backgrounds in a globaleducation process with the use of participative art methods, creativity workshops and musical pedagogy.Project will foster development of social competences and participation of young people, with theemphasis on inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. Young people with' fewer opportunities,empowered by the experience will gain social competences and self esteem for their future engagements.They will act as promoters of active citizenship and youth participation and promote global solidarity as atool for combating poverty and social exclusion in their local community. ;Project will also create and develop a sustainable network.of organisations.and youth workers, who will be able to multiply the results of the project with the use of their gained knowledge and work tools and through dissemination of the results of the project.Working methods in this project will be participative art pedagogy and global education tools. Creative art pedagogy will emphasis indigenous art, ethnical music and other traditional-art forms, and will use these as a methodological tool for the start of a process of global education, cultural exchange, intercultural dialogue and strengthening of the dialogue between Africa and Europe. Project- will create a platform for exploration and discussion about global issues of poverty, social exclusion, sustainable development, Millennium Development goals, youth empowerment and active citizenship through art and creativity.All participants will have the opportunity to interact with each other, compare life in Europe with life in Africa and recognize similarities and differences. European participants will better understand their role, responsibilities and options a European citizeris. They willleam our global, dependence and connection, both between citizens of Europe and also between the citizens of the world. Through this learning process, the European participants .will get a better understanding about their own role in European society and that they are the potential driving force to bring about changes.All organisations involved will first meet in the Kick off meeting in Ghana, where coordinators will discuss in details the realisation of activities in the project, determine the framework and specific work tools for implementation of International training, local workshops and Youth exchange and present their examples of good practices in related fields. During the Kick off meeting we will start preparing a manual for trainers and youth workers. This manual will be developed with youth workers in mind; it will enable youth workers to facilitate workshops on the topics of cultural diversity, inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, sustainable development, climate change, migrations, combating poverty and social exclusion and Millennium Development Goals with the methodological tools of participative art. and art pedagogy. This manual will be further developed during the International training.Youth leaders and youth workers from each organisation will meet in the International training for trainers in' Slovenia, where they will gain knowledge and develop methodological foundations for workshops on global education, creative pedagogy and participative arts, which they will later facilitate in local workshops in their home countries. Result of this training will be a Manual for youth workers and trainers on the topics cultural diversity, inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, sustainable development, climate change, migrations, combating poverty and social exclusion and Millennium Development Goals. This manual will include quidelines for successful implementation of workshops, examples of good practices, practical examples of workshops, team buildi

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  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

3 Partners Participants