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Archipelago Raid

The project Archipelago Raid was developed as an international sporting event in thesetting and venue of our fantastic archipelago and beautiful nature. The aim of theArchipelago Raid competition was originally to achieve recognition among theinternational top sailors, a goal that already has been attained.The aim of the project Archipelago Raid was to introduce the Archipelago to the rest ofEurope. International top sailors’ participation in the event created interest in othercountries. International journalists from the participating countries were invited to theevent to report on the success of their countrymen. This would in turn lead to thearchipelago finding a more prominent place on the world map. Aside from the visual andtextual information presented in television and in print, direct contacts were createdbetween the participants and the visitors.Also, the project provided Interreg IIIA Skärgården and the EU with publicity arising fromeach participating team. The target group consisted mainly of people interested in yachting.Thanks to the archipelago and the beautiful environment, the television broadcasts addresseda wider target audience, regardless of interest in the sport. By exposing the archipelago for thegeneral public the aim was to increase the knowledge of and interest in the archipelagos. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.
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  • 0.1%   198,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Skärgården (SE-FI)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

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