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Archaeology, art and coastal heritage - tools to support coastal management and climate change planning across the Channel Regional Sea. (ARCH-MANCHE)
Start date: Oct 31, 2011, End date: Sep 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 2 Seas area is one of the richest in terms of its archaeology, art and coastal maritime heritage. The Arch-Manche project will establish a methodology for demonstrating its value as a resource to support the understanding of long-term coastal change and its impact on human settlement. A study of these data will allow us all to understand and model the ways in which we have adapted to climate change, in the past. It will also help with planning for future sustainable policies in the field of 'Integrated Coastal Zone Management' (ICZM), reacting to predicted increases in coastal erosion and flooding in the coastal areas of the English Channel and southern North Sea. The project will involve analysis and dating of archaeological features and deposits, combined with data from artistic representations. The results will be made available to coastal engineers and managers, planning authorities, coastal stakeholder groups and fora. These results will not only be relevant to scientific research but also for museums, art galleries and educators engaged in climate change-related debates. Expected Results: What are the key results of the project?Results from Activity 1 will be:- Database ranking examples and types of archaeological, palaeoenvironmental and coastal heritage sites- Case studies on various partner locations- Guide to archaeology, palaeoenvironment and coastal heritage and coastal changeResults from Activity 2 will be:- List of artists and artworks from across the Channel region with highest potential to help explain coastal change- Case studies which will record coastal geology, geomorphology and heritage features- Database of geological/ geomorphological/ processes and heritage features- Well illustrated best practice guide to art and coastal changeActivity 3 results will include:- GIS that will integrate information and data produced from Activity 1 and 2.- Shared working environments, using internet-based approach.- Range of illustrative presentation results demonstrating coastal change.- Review of project results for their use with a wide range of target audiences (possible use in education)Are all partners and territories benefitting from the results?Target groups for the project will consist of:Coastal Managers and Planners – especially those involved with sustainability of coastal areas and communities, including local authorities, technical officers and politicians. Coastal Groups and fora – e.g in central southern England over 150 organisations have an interest in coastal issues whilst in France a minimum of 70 official organisations are listed by the government. Scientific/ Research practitioners – results will be relevant to study in a range of disciplines - archaeology, palaeoenvironment, geology, physical processes, art history etc. Finally, museums and galleries holding art depicting coastlines & educators - demonstrating how art and archaeology can provide a new dimension to understanding coastal climate change contributing to contemporay issues and debates.Depenindng on their background, the results of the project will be presented for target groups as technical and non-technical ‘Good Practice Guides’ or full technical project reports produced for each activity.Final beneficiaries will be the wider coastal communities of the Channel coasts who will be both affected by on-going climate change and the ICZM/ planning policy applied as a result of these changes.What are the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?The project will input in to a more holisitic and broad vision of ICZM in the partner regions. ARCH-MANCHE will adhere to and inform a wide range of policies across the different territories. Some of the more noteable ones are:ENGLAND - project will support ‘Coastal Change Policy' and ‘Strategy for promoting an integrated approach to coastal areas in England’ and Communities’, ‘Development and Coastal change Practice Guide’.FRANCE – Heritage management by the Ministère de la Culture and other policies helping compatibility of conflicting activities in the coastal and marine zone.BELGIUM – project supports national policy of coastal management, the Flemish long-term policy of coastal zone management and coastal defence.NETHERLANDS - National policy of dynamic coastal defence, the National Archaeological Research Agenda, quality management in Dutch Archaeology, and ''Palaeogeography and genesis of the landscape; a national research program of the state archeological survey.

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  • 50%   814 373,00
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants