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APTitudine pro Europa
Start date: Oct 14, 2014, End date: Oct 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context / background of the project: The project APTitudine pro Europa has emerged as a necessity for our institution, from the desire to have a professional school, in accordance with European standards, where teachers will be improved in the spirit of promoting national values and the European Union values, and the knowledge gained by teachers will be in the benefit of students,other teachers and local community members. Following a SWOT analysis we identified 5 areas that needed improvements:development of skills, teaching new methods and tools, process management, foreign languages, internationalization or European dimension. Objectives: 1. Acquiring skills focused on delivering educational component in order to actively involve students and increase interest in the educational act. 2. learning in a non-formal teaching environment and skills development of extracurricular education in line with European organizations for the development of its non-formality. 3. Develop process management, improve interpersonal communication, the quality of education that will lead development of the institution. 4. Developing language skills, cultural horizon by implementing learning activities in a multilingual and intercultural environment. 5. Sharing best practices and cooperation perspectives in a different educational environment that will contribute to internationalization and accessibility of information. Number and type / profile of participants The seven teachers who participated to the 7 courses are part of the curriculum areas: Man and Society, Language and communication, Advice and guidance, Management and from the committees that have permanent character in school. Participants had different specializations: Romanian language, English language, religion, history, social sciences and ICT. Teachers are high specialised and they have followed courses in ICT and curriculum integration. Language skills and information have been proven by: licence diploma, certificate training and selection in school after which B1 was found at levels high score for English and IT use. Professional motivation for these activities recommended them as the main beneficiaries of the training courses.Project activities were: 1. Mobility Activities 2. Monitoring Activities 3.Dissemination and visibility Activities of the project 1. Mobilities themselves were in different places than initially because the organizations that we choosed have not supported courses. Thus, we contacted other organizations that had the institutional needs confrom courses described in the application form. Thus the two courses we just changed location (Spain instead of Portugal and the Czech Republic instead of Sweden) and three have changed the course provider and location (Slovenia instead of Turkey and the Czech Republic instead of England), keeping the theme and objectives. 2. Monitoring activities: The monitoring started with the project implementation. It was closely monitored each activity, from porocersul of selection to the participation of selected teachers to mobility, providing information about travel, accommodation, insurance, location, transport and subsistence. During its mobility was monitored communication with participants. On the other hand were monitored activities management, dissemination, visibility of the project and the achievement of final products and for the other proposed activities: contests of poetry and essays, news articles, optional courses, brochures, videos, articles in foreign languages, non- formal activities. 3. dissemination and visibility of the project: DISSEMINATION: • 8 information sessions, one before the selection and another 7 after returning from school. • 7 training sessions, after returning from training for skills transfer; • 5 new optional courses ; • 4 non-formal type activities; • Case study with reference to the assessment of teaching and learning methods in the European Schools • 2 training courses VISIBILITY: • 10 articles in foreign languages written by students and published on the school website • 1 booklet about training activities • 1 film with interviews of participants • Photo Album • Roll-up with information about mobility 4. The results and impact achieved: As results we have 7 course sin European space; 5 optional courses; 10 articles in foreign languages about friendship; about 100 poems, essays and compositions, 300 brochures, case study, a video, a photo album, two training courses, proposal to improve the Institutional Development Plan (IDP) Impact: we believe that the project has had direct impact on participants, organization, students and teachers including the local community. To the direct beneficiaires, impact is reflected in the improvement of education in all aspects of knowledge, understanding pedagogy outdoors as educational alternative on personal skills, career management, the skills guidance, integration in another environment than his own.

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