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Aprendizaje contextualizado de idiomas y metodologias innovadoras a través de la cultura local de un país de habla inglesa.
Start date: Jun 30, 2016, End date: Sep 29, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Mas Boadella school is a public school and therefore subject to the rules in force, being organized as the law marks. The school is situated in the locality of Sabadell.The vehicular language of communication and basis of teaching and learning is the catalan. The use of spanish is being introduced gradually as curriculum area from 1st of Primary Education. The English language, as their first foreign language is entered in the classroom as a novelty in the course 2015-2016 from the first year of the child education stage (P3) within the project strip. In the past was from P4. In response that the motivation is the main factor that leads to the acquisition of a new language,in the course 2015-2016 priority has been given to the introduction of basic vocabulary words in English for the pupils of P3.The main objective of the specialists of the English language is the creation of real situations and communicative to the classroom always close to the pupil, fostering a favorable atmosphere and visual that will provide a continuous and direct contact with the English language.For the course 2016-2017 we want to deploy at the educational center this new Erasmus+ project to the area of arts and crafts and English language and crosswise with other curriculum areas given in the educational center.Our project has clear objectives: to improve the quality of our students and provide an opportunity for our teachers to grow professionally and personally to participate in an Erasmus+ project. Another objective of the project is the implementation in the school of differents subjects of the curriculum developed in English.The fact of participating in a Erasmus+ project offers us the opportunity to live directly the culture and the day to day of a foreign language in their country of origin; offers us the opportunity to get to know other mink of European teachers who have the same concerns and needs that our school; allows us to work cooperatively and obtain an international mink the different educational systems.The promoter of the project group is composed of four members of the teaching team of the educational center:- Tutor of 4th grade and member of the management team as Director of Studies at the educational center.- Tutor of 4th grade and coordinator of occupational risks.- Tutor of 6th grade (where be implanted the cycle project) and coordinator of the cycle.- The specialist in the area of English and ICT Coordinator.The activity of the project will carry out structured training courses and a period of observation of good practices. The activities will be complemented in European countries, to seize the day-to-day immersion and thus improve the skills of teachers and professional competenciesThe training program selected to carry out our project we believe that is the most appropriate and beneficial for our institution (both school, teachers and students). With our participation will benefit in the improvement of the knowledge and personal skills, and in the professional skills of teachers selected in the short, medium and long term.This project will help us to obtain an intercultural vision with other countries and above all, the cultural vision of the country or countries of reception. It will help us with new methodologies for more experimental work based on research and development. Improve the level of English of teachers participant due to its immersion during the course of training and of our students where we will implement the project. It will also have an impact on the classes where we will develop through the practical ideas and learned the formation team and colleagues, the improvement of teaching methods and will help us to reflect on the practices.The measuring instruments that we use in our institution to collect the impact caused by the introduction of the new project in the classroom will be through the application of satisfaction surveys, interviews with parents/students, formulating practical cases to respond to them and, finally, through activities of action and research, where students demonstrate the degree of learning obtained in the completion of the project.The strategies and action of our dissemination plan will be directed to four potential collective clearly differentiated:• the students because with the project we develope their basic competencies.• the School Council which we would approach the topic to be able to bring a more involved the implementation of the project of a European dimension in our institution.• the reflection of the teaching team of the Center to address and reflect on the most innovative methodological approaches• And finally, disseminate the project among the local and state educational centers
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