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Aprender y practicar en la restauración francesa
Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Sep 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT: The project seeks a continuation of previous mobility projects of our cuisine vocational students to make their placements in European restaurants, according to the cooperation agreement sgned with CIVIFORM with which we had previously worked. AIMS: 1. To complete the acquisition by students of professional competences achieved in the center of origin by conducting a series of training activities among productive activities in the workplace. 2. To contribute to the acquisition of vocational skills Intermediatevocational course of Cooking and Baking and identity a profesional maturity.3.- To evaluate the most important aspects of profesional competences.4.- To acquire knowledge of the organization profile and the system of social and labor relations in the workplace to facilitate a future productive employment productive. 5. To encourage the learning of one or two foreign languages 6. To know and appreciate a different food culture: ingredients, techniques and elaborations and participate in teams with different operating methodology from the one practiced in Spain. NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS: The project involved 4 students in the 2º year of CFGM Cuisine and Gastrinomy from IES Valle de Aller. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: Cultural and linguistic preparation; organization of the mobilities; travel and welcome of the students; promotion of Asturian cuisine at the partner institution and host companies; introduction in the restaurants; training in restaurants tutored by the company tutor and the tutor of the institution; adquisition of knowledge in a place different from their own management; evaluation of the training period: dissemination of the project; checking of new compromises and agreements between partners. The agreements reached before the presentation of this project with the partner school; CIVIFORM, that also attends the Hospitality studies, on the branch of cuisine, in a very similar way to our system in IES Valle de Aller, allows us to provide a common methodology with a fair share of responsabilities from the part of each partner. The tutorial of the stdents has been threefold: the tutor in Spain, the tuto center (CIVIFORM) and the tutor in the restaurants. DESCRIPTION OF THE RESULTS/ IMPACT: Through this project, our students have completed the acquistion of professional competences previoulsly achieved in the center of origin; have acquired a professional identity and maturity; have evaluated the most relevant aspects of their professional competences; have adquired knowledge of the corresponding production profile for a kitchen organization and the system of social and labour relations in the workplace which will facilitate a future employment; have adquired skills in the field of two foreign languages and skills in the use of ITC, as a tool of communication. The project had an impact on the value added in both the sending organization (aplicant) and the partner institution (host). The projects has contributed to the acquisition of a social and cultural maturity that could create job opportunities in a different country of the EU, or the possibility of self-employment, to the acquistion of a language basic knowledge of two foreign languages, to the increase of sel-esteem in students and the level of personal satisfaction, to the knowledge on the part of those selected hosts restaurants of our students capabilities in terms of cuisine and gastronomy, which could result in a subsequent employment, to the dissemination of Asturian cooking and cuisine through the activities organized to promote the presence of Asturian students doing vocational training in their restaurants. POSSIBLE LONG TERM BENEFITS: To promote entrepreneuship, to improve self-esteem and personal security of students which could result in future self-employment; to facilitate the employability of our students, not only in our region or country but in other countries of the EU; to enhance IES Valle de Aller as a driving center of European citizenship; to acquire language skills within a lifelong learning process and finally to spread the asturian culture and gastronomy outside our borders.
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