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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Serpis High school, a public institution which depends on the Generalitat Valenciana, considers the participation of students and teachers in European and international cooperative projects to be a critical educational strategy. In the Annual Educational Project of the academic year 2013/14, we established three strategic lines of action: Updating the linguistic competences and the educational training in AICLE with the objective of developing our multilingual project, which includes two non-linguistic disciplines in French and in English. Academic training in the use of ICTs as innovative and motivational tools, placing the focus on putting them into practice in classrooms and integrating them in the curriculum. School organization: create a school-centred culture focused on change, educational improvements and on quality management in order to encourage collaborative work and to improve communication between families and school. Based on these lines of improvement, we established the objectives of our project. 1. Guaranteeing the optimum linguistic competence of the teachers which are involved in the multilingual programme with: Observational mobility: Direct observation of DNL teaching in a partner European school allows to improve specific lexical knowledge and to share knowledge, to debate about methodologies and to encourage the exchange of experiences and good practices. Structured training course mobility: Obtaining the B2 or C1 certificates, which enable teaching in the chosen language; and to learn new methodological and innovative practices. 2. Using ICTs in the classroom through European platforms such as e-twinning, and also creating lasting networks of educational research and innovation between European schools with educational purposes, which highlight the European scope on education. 3. Taking into account the quality of school management, the contact with other European school managers will have an effect on examining and reflecting the management practice itself. The awareness of other practices, especially the ones which focus on collaborative work and family interaction, will foster our self-assessment and will enable the adjustment of better management practices. 11 mobilities were carried out: 6 job-shadowing and 5 structured courses. The participants were the following: Participants involved in the multilingual programme: In job-shadowing, three teachers: of Technology and Philosophy in France and of Physical Education in Great Britain. In a structured course, two teachers: of Citizenship in Ireland and of Physics and Chemistry in Great Britain. Language teachers who applied for updating their language competence and methodology: In a structured course in Great Britain, a teacher of English. And in job-shadowing in France, another teacher in charge of the Reading Promotion Plan. Teachers highly motivated to teach in English in order to get the B2 or C1 certificates: In a structured course in Ireland, two teachers. School Management members who were willing to exchange their experience in better management standards within European schools: In job-shadowing in France, two responsible members. The personal assessments of the participants show the degree of achievement of these objectives. (See attachments). In job-shadowing practices there has been a relevant open exchange of views on teaching and/or management school. Also, we have established lasting bonds for future classroom projects among our students. A higher number of teachers willing to participate in this multilingual programme has increased. The number of students who is taking advantage of this programme has increased from 2 to 4 groups. The number of teachers who have participated in the School Training Activities has increased to improve their communicative competence in foreign languages within the Annual Training Plan. The participants who attended structured courses have overcome successfully their exams or tests at the regulated educational Institutions. Undoubtedly, these mobilities have improved the development of our objective to create a multilingual culture connecting teachers, students and parents as well as to visualize the necessity of communication among European citizens. Thanks to this project, we have been able to establish bonds with European Schools to develop future KA2 actions of the ERASMUS+ programme. Knowing the possible partner schools on the ground increases the possibilities of being the project successful. Teachers of the visited schools have already developed KA1 projects to visit our school and participate in the European experience interchange conferences that will be arranged. In the new edition of the 2016 Erasmus+ programme our school will take part on it to deepen the former project and to broaden it with new methodological and managing objectives. In the medium term, the main target of our projects is the development of the European dimension on education andcitizenship.

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