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Apprenticeship for NEETS
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Carried out from 2014 to 2016, and co-funded by the European programme Erasmus+, the European project “Apprenticeship for NEETS” (ANEETS) aims to create a network promoting training/apprenticeships for vulnerable young people "Not in Education, Employment or Training" (NEET). In Europe the so-called NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) are considered as one of the most problematic groups in the context of youth unemployment. Thus, according to Eurostat, in 2011, 7, 5 million people aged between 15-24 years and 6,5 million people aged between 25 and 29 years were excluded from the labour market and education system in Europe. In 2012 the population of NEETs reached a level of around 15 million among those aged 15–29 (Eurofound, 2012a). The NEETS are one of the European priorities in terms of employment and inclusion of young people across Europe. In order to meet this priority, ANEETS aims to create innovative tools to facilitate their professional integration and employment. The objective is notably to create new partnership synergies between education and professional worlds in three specific sectors: hospitality, metallurgy and new technologies. In order to foster links between the different actors of professional inclusion, this project will adapt the needs of the companies to train newcomers, identify and promote the partnership. The integration process of NEETs within companies is the main focus of this project: It meets not only the needs of companies but it also brings new competences for NEETs. Hence, this project raises the employability of NEETs as well as the probability of the emergence of innovative professional actions geared towards this target group. The target public of the ANEETS project are the NEETs. The NEETs are a very heterogeneous population of young people from 15 to 29 years old and, indeed, various definitions of NEETs can be found in the literature. They represent both early leaving school young people and having difficulties to enter the labour market. For the purpose of this project, partners have agreed on a deliberately broad definition of NEETs. In the framework of this project, the NEETs are divided into 4 categories: - Unemployed: Long or short term - Not Available: ill, disabled, young people ensuring the care of a relative - Disengaged: not looking for work or training with an antisocial and dangerous lifestyle - Young people looking for opportunities: young people seeking training or employment but only considering opportunities that meet their skills and status The needs of the NEETs target group are considered as follow: efficient employment integration with appropriate support, personalised education and upgrading of skills. The project is coordinated by Face Foundation (France) and includes three other organisations established in Belgium, Ireland and Spain: FACE Foundation (France) – project leader ( European think & do tank Pour la Solidarité (Belgium) ( Ideas Institute (Ireland) ( Espiral Entitat de Serveis (Spain): The activities carried out are a short version below: 1. A study of benchmark country and European scale devices was carried out in parallel in each country 2. Through a land approach 12 companies, many of CFA and social actors interviewed summers and best practices in the professional integration of young people identified summers 3. A constant monitoring of activities through monthly conference calls with partners has been set up 4. Through implementation of project management work tools have summers te'stés form of workshop 5. dissemination in the presence of business representatives, social actors and public authorities has been established through transnational meetings especially in Girona and Brussels The results and impacts achieved: 1. 21 companies (against 12 planned initially) have contributed to the editors and evaluation deliverables by committing to develop or strengthen their political integration through learning 2.The Head of Human Resources and CSR have been equipped with the training package and each project partner has provided through its own website and the site ANEETs project results 3. 75% of companies declared to be more informed on the subject ANEETs and the needs of learners 4. Tangible impacts of the project are evident in the creation of new synergies between companies and stakeholders in the public / private employability. During the transnational meetings discussion among peers was lively and commitments have been "taken to communicate between countries on track apprentices through ANEETs tools

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