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Apprendre et s'approprier l'Europe, se révéler et réussir en Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project 2015 entitled 2A2R standing for Apprendre (learn)and s’Approprier l’Europe (seize Europe), se Révéler (reveal oneself) and Réussir en Europe (succeed in Europe), will enable European mobility to 25 students within the framework of work placements. Be it for students preparing a vocational qualification or a vocational A levels, these students in their second year of training will spend from 19 to 25 days in full immersion in Spain or Ireland,Moreover, this project fits into the strategy developped by the European agency via ERASMUS+ for an extended European cooperation in training and education. Iit is an answer to a priority of the French government with the aim of offering the young jobs for the future and leading to employment mainly thanks to the doubling of international mobilities within 5 years.Its objectives are various and varied and are based on a 25-year-long experience and a peculiar mobility culture inspired into the students.Thus this project must :Strengthen and reinforce the linguistic and cultural knowledge,Take part in a human experience in order to think hardlier and better live European,Act as a lever of motivatio (or re-motivation) for a category of students who have to work on their image and ability in order to improve their occupational practices and shape their personalities in a European future,Discover and compare working methods in European companies,Leave the local context and look to a Europe in a never-ending motion, of which they will discover the cultural, human, technological and occupational aspects.All this will be first approached during the period of training to the mobility in European classes for some and work on projects for the others ; then during the full immersion stay in the host country during free time and in the course of the work placement in companies ; finally after the work placement in the form of an activities report, various certifications and the added value brought by the mobility in terms of human, occupational and cultural experience for a better integration as tomorrow's Europeans.
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