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APICIUS - Self-Learning Materials in Catering, at Higher Education Level, for existing Catering Employees

The aim of the APICIUS project is to produce self-learning tools and materials, to enable non-graduate level catering staff to undergo official recognition of skills developed in the workplace. The project will develop an outline training programme, methodology and tools towards the introduction of a new qualification, namely the Diploma in Catering, aimed specifically at employees in the sector with no previous academic or official accreditation of their skills (i.e. employees who have learned the trade in the workplace). Beyond this, a system for the accreditation of acquired skills and prior learning will be developed by the project. In addition to traditional learning methods (tutor and teacher based), materials will be developed for access via Open and Distance Learning (ODL) methods. The developed programme will be piloted with 4 selected employee groups before being finalised, with end materials released on CD-Rom and hosted via the project website. Additional, paper-based study guidelines & training manuals will also be produced (in EN, ES, FR & IT) for use by individual students. Employees having undertaken the developed training/accreditation programme are expected to then take up management positions within professional kitchens/catering establishments. Dissemination will include the distribution of information packages on the developed training / accreditation programme, use of the project website to encourage actual training participants, the release of articles to specialist journals and representation of the project at a number of relevant sector events (e.g. catering fairs).

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