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Apdailininko-statybininko specialybės mokinių praktinių ir socialinių įgūdžių tobulinimas ES šalyse
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project ,,Improvement of students' practical and social skills on building construction and finish in the EU countries‘‘ is prepared by Ukmerge school of technologies and business and is intent for improving of practical professional and social skills of building construction and finish speciality students in order to reach better opportunities and more successful integration into the labour market. Participants of the project: Participants of the project are 30 students of building construction and finish speciality from five Lithuanian vocational trainining schools- 6 students from Ukmerge school of technologies and business, 6 students from Alanta technology and business school, 6 students from Panevezys vocational training centre, 6 students from Utena regional vocational training centre and 6 students from Kelme vocational training centre. The project is relevant to all students participating in it, because the question of successful integration into the labour market is very important for all of them. Project objectives: The main objective of the project is - to improve practical, professional and social skills in the context of pan-European building construction and finish in order to reach better opportunities and more successful professional integration into the labour market. The main objective will be pursued through the following tasks: 1.To improve already existing building construction and finish practical, professional skills and acquire new ones, by using innovative building construction and finish technologies, equipment and construction materials during the practice time at the companies of EU countries; 2.To develop teamwork and personal work skills, communication skills, sense of responsibility, self-reliance; 3.To improve the practical skills of foreign language in general and professional area; 4.To gain an international, work experience; 5.To extend the cultural and geographical horizons, to develop skills of adaptation in another culture environment, to gain experience of an international mobility. Project location: Germany, Austria. These countries were selected because of their well-developed building construction and finish sector. Work experience gained during the practice time at the EU modern decoration and construction companies, will allow project participants to implement the main project's objective and tasks, will provide conditions to become more competitive and successfully integrate into the national or EU labour market. Project date: 2014-07-01 - 2015-06-30 The dates of internships: The internships are planned in 2015 February-April. The implementation of the project will achieve the following results: 1.Improved and gained new practical- professional skills; 2.Improved and gained new social skills. Teamwork and personal work skills, communication skills, acquired a sense of responsibility and self-reliance. 3.Improved practical skills of foreign language in general and professional area. 4.Gained international working experience, which determines the competitiveness of the project participants and more successful integration into the national and the EU labor market; 5.Skills, knowledge and work experience gained during internships time evaluated and recognized internationally -issued Europass Mobility documents and certificates; 6. Extended cultural and geographical horizons, developed skills of adaptation in another culture enviroment, gained experience of an international mobility

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