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ANIMUS - Network for Education and Training in Cultural Animation

The ANIMUS project will create a new vocational training structure in cultural animation with the final goal being to enhance the level of local cultural activity across the partner countries. This is in response to the fact that the exchange of good practice and experience in the area of cultural animation is recognised as an urgent need for the sector.Project activities will include the establishment of a network of specialist cultural institutes, development of a training model in cultural animation (aimed at educational and vocational training bodies, trainers and trainees) and the introduction of an exchange and co-operation programme (at sectoral, regional, national & transnational level). Models of best practice and case studies will be gathered and published and a range of workshops prepared for the target sector.The training model and syllabus developed will be published via an 'open door' strategy intended to reach the widest possible audience and will exist in paper and electronic formats (booklets, books, CD-Rom, internet-based, new media). A dedicated website will be developed and an on-line newsletter produced to inform upon the activities and achievements of the project. Beyond the project lifetime it is expected that findings will be incorporated into or, as a minimum, will influence existing sectoral training curricula.
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