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Animation d'un jardin pédagogique au Belvédère
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context of the project : Amis du Belvédère and Concordia Picardie are promoting through their actions environmental awareness. Within this framework we want to host Boris Zulema as EVS. Objective of the project : The park of the Belvédère is well protected but deserves to be valued. Concerned by the conservation of this cultural and ecological pratrimony, the organisation Amis du Belvédère would like to involve Boris Zulema and develop with him activities for youngsters. He will aslo participate to the maintenance of the park and the greenhouses. Profile of the participant : Boris Zulema is 27 and the mission in connected with his professional path as landscape gardening worker. He has martinican origins and knows the specificities of the territory and he would like to compare to the specificities of tunisian climate. Thanks to this experience he will be able to share his know-how and expertise with youngsters who are visiting the Park. Description of activities : The project is composed by 3 main topics Animation of an educational nursery - animation of the « club du petit jardinier » (little garderners club) to sensitize youngsters and initiate them to the gardening and the recycling - share with youngsters his experience of mobility as EVS Participation to the organization of Floralies du Belvédère - To make well known horticultural, aromatic and medecinal plants - Initiate the large public to the gardening and the arrangement fof the gardens - Setting up of amators of gardening and producers - Animate the park - Make known the Park and sensitize to its protection and preservation Help to the maintenance of a educational nursery - help to the maintenance of 2 greenhouses of the eductional garden - Follow up of the compost : watering, regular turarounds - multiplication of the plants in the nursery and labelling of the plants Methodology : He will have the chance to bring : - his ideas, his experiences, his view of Europe - his cultural dimension, his dynamism, his openness to mobility - he will allow us to develop solidarity and comprehension by creating social link between different public : young and old, young volunteers, young home-grown He will have the opportunity to learn : - Acquiring of new social, linguistic, administrative, professional, personal competencies - a global knowledge of european mobility and functioning of international workcamps - community life, team work, exchange of ideas, conflict management, adaptability... - aquiring environmental competences Description of expected results and impact : Through this project we hope sensitize children and the local community of Tunis to the protection of the environment. We also hope to sensitize youngsters to the mobility and particularly the European one thanks to Boris' experience.
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