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Angličtina plus
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is based on the analysis of the state school, particurarly teaching English at school, the school self evaluation and school needs to respond to the latest trends in teaching and learning. The aim of our project is to use courses offered by Erasmus+, for improving language skills of our teachers at primary and lower secondary level and for increasing their professional skills. We would like to improve language and didactic skills of teachers we would like to use and apply the CLIL method with the objective to improve language skills of students, to develop their critical thinking and communicative competences in English and intercultural skills. we would like to strengthen using ICT foreign languages to activate pupils and effectivelly teaching languages we would like to enter into conversation with foreign teachers and we would like to make and realize projects ErasmusKA2 or e-Twinning. Project will be attended by 12 teachers. 6 teachers at primary level and 6 lower secondary teachers. 5 teachers at primary level will attend language and language and methodical courses aimed on implementation of CLIL method. The content of courses will be the practical presentation of CLIL methods. The director would like to attend the course focused on visits at schools and institutions and job shadowing. 4 lower secondary teachers will be attended courses focused on implementation of CLIL methods in teaching subjects. 2 lower secondary teachers will participate in course about using ICT in teaching. Expected results of the project are improving language, didactic and professional competences of teachers, increaseing quality and effectiveness of education language and and other subjects, increase activity and pupils´ interest in learning and improvement of language skills of pupils. Impact of the project will be deepen the internationalisation of school, the strenghtening of the European dimension of the school, improving the image of the school, increasing the school prestige in eyes of the parents and the public. Thanks to the multicultural environment teachers will also gain knowledge in the sphere of cultural and mental differences foreign citizens. The number of teachers be fit to use CLIL method continuously and qualified way will double also the number of teachers using ICT n teaching languages with aim of involving students in the process of learning with using ICT in the interactive form. Erasmus is a chance for us to accomplish our needs and ideas and to meet constantly growing parents and pupil´s demands. The output of the project will be the meeting of all the participants. The mobility partipants will present their conclusions and outputs from the project´s mobilities in form of presentations accompanied by photodocumentation. Results and knowledge gained during mobilities will also be presented in our school´s magazine, website and in the local press.

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