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anglais + DNL, stage de formation à l'étranger
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In order to make possible the ambitions of our secondary school François Villon registered in the school project - in particular the strengthening of professional skills (at the same time linguistic and educational skills), the creation of a referring team for the international projects, the bigger commitment of the teachers and the pupils in active and concrete projects for the cultural openness-, we request the financing of a mobility of a teacher of History Geography. This teacher, madam Elodie Soubise, has already made her first steps in this opening-up approach by carrying a project of CLIL and by having attended a training course in English organized by the Académie de Nantes (Mobilangues). The secondary school wishes to encourage Mrs Soubise to pursue its training and to pass the certification in English which will allow her to teach her subject (History and Geography) in English. The impact for our secondary school will be diverse. We wish the opening of an European section at the start of the 2016 school year and shall organize an Europe "club" since the 2015-2016 school year for the pupils in 4ème. So, the training of our pupils will be improved and enriched. The school will allow the pupils to improve their knowledge of the European identity and to learn to live together in a climate of mutual respect Thus we plan to increase the number of pupils who will participate during their curriculum in a linguistic exchange, in an European project according to the objectives of our school. Furthermore, the creation of a teaching referring team who will be able to share its expertise in the European projects will also be a very positive impact for our secondary school. Indeed, to shape this project, the school organized two trainnings involving the DAREIC of Nantes and several motivated teachers attended it in addition to Mrs Soubise (an English teacher, Mrs Viard; two Spaninsh teachers, Mrs Andrault and Duval; two French teachers, Mrs Bourreau and Gomes; a teacher of History and Geography, Mr Lavergne). The creation of this first project allowed an awareness of the possibilities offered by the projects KA1 and KA2, as well as with eTwinning. These teachers begin to become a first team for the development of the European openness within our school, but we could gain in expertise and as a source of proposals thanks to a first mobility and so constitute a team of teachers who have already demonstrated their dynamism and their will to commit. To conclude, this project of mobility KA1 is the first stage for our secondary school of a broder project aimed, by the training of a teacher, at the future realization of European projects and KA2 projects.
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