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Anerkennung von Ausbildungszugangsvoraussetzungen und -abschlüssen durch länderübergreifende Zusammenarbeit von Berufsbildungseinrichtungen für heilpädagogische Berufe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Summary: The private academy for special education ( Fachakademie für Heilpädagogik) provides education and training for staff of social work with disadvantaged people. It is under the rules of the catholic organization „Katholische Jugendfürsorge der Diözese Augsburg e. V.“ which is a recipient of institutions for children and youth services, vocational training and hospitals. For both, the private academy for special education and the Katholische Jugendfürsorge Augsburg, it is a concern to educate and train well-qualified professionals of social work for the European labor market. On the other hand they want to get well-qualified professionals for their own areas of responsibility and to get their offered jobs occupied. By the increasing mobility within Europe former trainees und students request the private academy for special education to describe and confirm the skills acquired in their training in order to obtain the recognition of their formal training abroad and get proper access to the labor market at their trained level and according to their degree. At the same time the organization „Katholische Jugendfürsorge der Diözese Augsburg e. V.“ and their institutions get more and more applications of foreign professionals. The employability of them is difficult, because their testimonials, degrees and certifications are scarcely comparable to the local requirements. In discussions with our Europe partners there are inquiries how interested young people can have access to education and training abroad according to the different levels of education in different European countries and according to their level of certification and testimonials after school. Here, too, the private academy for special education is asked again to identify the conditions of access to training and education, to register the similarities and differences and to develop the necessary educational modules for conformance. Due to this topics it is the question how to accomplish quick and easy acceptation of the access to training requirements, the recognition of different certifications and degrees and the necessarity of post-qualification educational offerings. With this project and the conversations with the staff of the social work field it is aimed to get to know the professions and work fields within social and health care and special education. Another outcome of this project is to identify the training courses and their conditions of access, to compare them and to analyse the differences and similarities. According to these results it is a possibility for all project partners to develop qualifiying education moduls ( possibly by another project) in order to get mutual recognition and therefor access to the labor market in European countries. Through the project it is also intended to get to know the professions which can be compared to those within the working field for special needs in Germany and their fields of special functions, duties and activities in our partner countries. In conclusion to this we can compare the level of management for these professions. On the other hand it should be a result of this project to recognize forms of vocational training for the profession which ist comparable to the German „Heilpädagoge“ ( edcuational staff for special needs). For the purposes of lifelong learning in this project it is also intended to faciliate the permeability between the post-secondary and tertiary education qualifications between the countries. According to the linguistic and cultural varity in an open Europe the project helps to strenghten the intercultural and linguistic competences. All three participants of the project are responsible for training issues of the Katholische Jugendfürsorge der Diözese Augsburg e. V. The head of the academy for special education organizes the vocational training according to the contents and methods. The Manager of the Department for Organization and Development has to coordinate training and staff development for all employees within the organization „Katholische Jugendfürsorge Augsburg“. The head of Department for all schools ( vocational schools and special schools) is responsible for planning and coordination of the staff development for all professionals working in these schools. By visits, internships and intensive discussions with the staff of the partner organizations ( vocational training institutions and schools, institutions within social and health care and institutions within the field of special needs) participants and partners of this project get to know different access requiries, training contents und training degrees and certificates, learn more about the competences needed in the fields of practice and are able to compare. A long-term benefit is the mutual recognition of education and an expansion of permeability in the European labor market in relation to the working field of special education.
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6 Partners Participants