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Ανάπτυξη και υιοθέτηση νέων καλλιεργητικών πρακτικών που μειώνουν τις εισροές (νερού, λίπανσης, φυτοπροστασίας κλπ.)
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The program "Development and adoption of new farming practices that reduce inflows (water, fertilizer, crop protection, etc.)" refers to the system of production of agricultural products with modern management methods applied in agricultural areas and based on observation, measurement and response to changes in crops. This system, also called precision agriculture, consists of a set of innovations and essentially provides a comprehensive decision support system. The aim is to enable an accurate study of the environment cultivated, measure indications and contraindications, be an appropriate choice of seeds and supporting materials to be promptly detected changes to immediately take appropriate action, either to prevent a disaster, or increasing and improving production. The cultivation system applications have an impact on the overall increase in crop yield and to reduce the use of fertilizers and other inputs commonly used for enhancing production. So beyond the financial implications, the environmental impacts are equally important. With the reduction of fertilizer and pesticides, and ultimately improve the quality of the product reaches the final consumer.Training needs we seek to satisfy through the project are:• Presentation applications of precision farming cultivation system,• Analysis and understanding of the effects offered by monitoring real-time and non,• Reduce use of fertilizers and pesticides,• Improving quality produced products. The training program is designed according to the characteristics and fulfillment of recorded needs of participants in order to obtain the specialized knowledge required in respect of new cultural practices, so coupled with the received practical skills and attitudes required by their specialty, to become competitive and able to pursue and achieve their integration into the labor market.Participation in this mobility project will help achieve the following objectives:- To apply new farming practices,- To proceed to the recording of geography data,- Categorize and define properly the factors affecting the cultivation, designate namely volatility,- Take decisions based either on predictions, either by control,- To take measures to address the volatility. In the proposed project we expect to achieve multiplier effects and benefits, both for participants and for parties involved abroad.Trainees are expected to gain valuable experience and important skills at the end of the project and identified the following:• To enrich their knowledge in precision farming,• Apply knowledge acquired in their crops,• Implement sampling and analysis,• To design and implement a decision-making model in agricultural practices,• To stabilize and reduce the factors that affect the crop,• Ensure to anticipate and prevent harmful factors of their crops,• To ensure rational methods of irrigation, fertilization and crop protection.

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